The Babadook Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists

My Horror movies

List created by Carol without an e

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Cat's Eye N/A
2. Misery N/A
3. Carrie N/A
4. The Shining N/A
5. The Shining N/A

Films of 2014

List created by Alix Reulet

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Gone Girl N/A
2. The Grand Budapest Hotel N/A
3. Boyhood N/A
4. The Imitation Game N/A
5. Maleficent N/A

Top Drama List

List created by Cordero

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest N/A
2. Forrest Gump N/A
3. The Green Mile N/A
4. Saving Private Ryan N/A
5. Braveheart N/A

Movies I've Watched

List created by Dylan

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy 3/4
2. My Blueberry Nights 2.5/4
3. House of 1,000 Corpses 3.5/4
4. Finding Neverland 2.5/4
5. Constantine 2/4

Top Horror List

List created by Travis

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Halloween 4/4
2. The Silence of the Lambs 4/4
3. The Shining 4/4
4. Scream 3.5/4
5. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3.5/4

Top Horror List

List created by DanniiG1984

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Hellraiser N/A
2. The Devil's Rejects N/A
3. Halloween N/A
4. It N/A
5. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre N/A
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