Movie Information
Overall Rank: 4174
Average Rating: 2.7/4
# of Ratings: 56
Theatrical Release Date: 03/14/2014
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 06/24/2014
Language: English
Genre: Thriller
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Denis Villeneuve
Actors: Jake Gyllenhaal, Mélanie Laurent, Isabella Rossellini, Sarah Gadon, Stephen R. Hart, Jane Moffat
Plot: After a friend suggests he watch a particular video, a man recognizes the actor - as he looks exactly like him. He seeks out the actor and the two agree to meet - opening the door to something strange and sinister. -- Chris Kavan
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/24/2019
Deep, dark, and moody, this look-alike thriller reaches inside two identical strangers looking for the same thing.
Rating of
Matthew Brady - wrote on 05/11/2014
The film is about a friend suggests he watch a particular video, a man recognizes the actor - as he looks exactly like him. He seeks out the actor and the two agree to meet - opening the door to something strange and sinister. This movie has a creepy score and a lot of people might not understand this movie but i did and that's why am giving this a good rating.
Rating of
Jacob Zembower - wrote on 04/23/2014
Ambiguous to a fault, but nonetheless constantly absorbing. Enemy is a creepy and challenging exploration of the subconscious. Jake Gyllenhaal gives a brilliant performance in dual roles that couldn't be more different from one another. While Denis Villeneuve proves once again that is one of the best film makers working today. It will leave you thinking about it for days, just don't expect it to answer any of the questions it raises, of which there are many. (Rated R contains strong sexual content, nudity, disturbing images, and language.)
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
A mind twister that left me indifferent
ikkegoemikke - wrote on 10/05/2017
“The last thing you need is meeting strange men in hotel rooms.”
“Enemy“. Directed by Denis Villeneuve and Jake Gyllenhaal in a leading role (or roles). Hell yeah ! The director and one of the protagonists of “Prisoners” . This has to be be an excellent movie since I’ve put “Prisoners” in my personal top 10 of reasonable brilliant movies in 2013. This was a slightly incorrect assumption
A few tips before you watch this bizarre and very strange movie.
Don’t call the electronics shop, where you recently purchased your ultramodern 55″ LED TV, in a panic and don’t start screaming at the helpdesk employee because the RGB color settings are severely screwed up and they need to replace the unit immediatly. Trust me, the color palette that you get to see on …
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cinegeek.de - wrote on 03/23/2016
Die Stärke des Kanadiers Denis Villeneuve sind die brutalen Konflikte des realen Lebens. Enemy ist anders. Der Film nimmt eine traumhafte, subjektive Perspektive ein. - In José Saramagos Romanvorlage wird Chaos als noch nicht aufgelöste Ordnung verstanden. Jake Gyllenhaal spielt Adam, einen gelangweilten Geschichtsprofessor. Er verrichtet sein Tagwerk, hält langweilige Vorlesungen und hat freudlosen Sex mit seiner Freundin Mary (Mélanie Laurent). Sein Apartment wirkt so leer, als ob niemand darin wohnen würde. Adam fehlt etwas. Eines Abends aber schaut sich Adam einen Film an und bemerkt, dass eine der Figuren (die eines Hotelpagen) exakt so aussieht wie er selbst. Der Schauspieler Daniel Saint Claire, der im wirklichen Leben Anthony Claire heisst, spielt den Pagen. Adam ruft den …
Rating of
Watch it Twice!
Unknown - wrote on 06/28/2014
'Enemy' is a terrific display of direction and acting. The film uses every bit of screen time to tell as much of it's story visually. The mystery is involving because of the straightforward approach and the constant tense atmosphere. It kept me on edge every single second. This is great filmmaking, period. The ending is abrupt, but it feels weirdly resolved by that point. The final moment is strange. However, it does make sense when you go back and analyze the proceedings. All of the clues as to what the story is really about are in plain view throughout. I started to piece together these moments that I questioned earlier and came to the conclusion of the film's real meaning. And I looked online to see what others had interpreted. What I came up with completely changed my …
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