

FilmCrave Points

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Total Ratings 1,055
Total Reviews 38
Total Lists 83
Total Plots 1
Total Points 1,690

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Sandra Nazario
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Movie God
Movie God
Movie God

Rakkie's Information

Ranking Status: Producer

Name: Burak Rakkie Dukatar

Gender: Male

Current Area: Thailand

Interests: .

Movie Profile

Film I Love: Heat, JFK, Amadeus

Film I Hate: Marvel Movies

Guilty Pleasure: Oscar Movies

Favorite Genre: Crime

Least Favorite Genre: Musical

Favorite Actors: F Murray Abraham, P. Seymour Hoffman, Jodie Foster, Willem Defoe, Jennifer Connely, Geoffrey Rush,

Least Favorite Actors: Chevy Chase, Bruce Willis, Jesse Eisenberg, Julia Roberts

Favorite Director: Oliver Stone

Least Favorite Director: Gaspar Noe

Latest Movie Review

Rating of


this a best comedy since big lewbowski. great work.

Recent Rating History

Movie Title Rating Overall Add
The Wrestler (2008) 4.0/4 3.0/4
Night and the City (1950) 3.0/4 3.0/4
Red Circle, The ( cercle rouge, Le ) 3.5/4 3.1/4
Gun Crazy 3.0/4 2.6/4
Rififi ( Rififi chez les hommes, Du ) 4.0/4 3.0/4

Recent Comments

Movie God

Alex - wrote on 12/19/11 at 10:12 PM CT

We made some major additions to the site. First, you now have the ability to connect your FilmCrave account with your Facebook account - a feature I highly recommend you activate. You can now instantly update your friends on your movie reviews, ratings and lists. The updates are limited and you have complete control over what gets posted. You can do that here. Make sure to visit the forum and let us know what you think of these new features.

Second, my favorite new feature is the ability …

Movie God

Alex - wrote on 03/27/11 at 01:36 PM CT

We wanted you to be the first know about the launch of FilmCrave’s sister site, MeltedJoystick.com, the ultimate video game social network! You will recognize much of the same great features as you do on FilmCrave, but enhanced for video game lovers. We invite you to become a member, rate your favorite games, create your top game lists, and write game reviews.
We can’t wait to see you at MeltedJoystick.com. As always, you know where to find us if you have questions.

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

Chris Kavan - wrote on 07/28/10 at 07:20 PM CT

Hello all!

As you can see, the site looks much better! We also made a few additions, which I think you will be pleased with.

Popular Trailers: we now rank every trailer based on how many times its' been watched. Popular Trailers

Movie Tickets: you can now buy movie tickets for all the latest movies through Fandango. Movies In Theatres

Hot Forum Topics: We have improved our forum by letting you see what people are currently talking about. Hot Topics

Movie Blog and News: the site …

Movie God

Alex - wrote on 05/18/10 at 01:32 AM CT

You wanted movie news and FilmCrave is proud to deliver it to you. Get instant updates to the latest movie rumors and news, right here on FilmCrave: Movie News

We also launched our movie blog where we will provide deeper insight into the latest news and movie rumors. Not to mention updating everyone on what is happening with FilmCrave. Be sure to read it every day at: Movie Blog

Finally, we have integrated with Facebook to allow you to "like" your favorite news stories, blog posts, and …

Movie God

Alex - wrote on 02/24/10 at 02:01 PM CT

Yeah most people disagree with those movies being over rated but I still think they are. As far as the musical scores comment, I can see what you are saying but they didn't hit home with me (though I have not seen "the Mission" yet.

Essi Suomela
Essi Suomela

Essi Suomela - wrote on 07/01/09 at 02:37 AM CT

That list is no way near complite... I usually just rate movies here. Maybe I should try to finish it.

Movie God

Alex - wrote on 06/29/09 at 08:48 AM CT

Thanks for the add!

Movie God

Allison - wrote on 01/29/08 at 10:18 AM CT

Yeah Bela Tarr is Hungarian. I didn't like his Werckmeister Harmonies, so Damnation was a good surprise. Juno and Dead Zone are good. For some reason I don't like Leos Carax, tho :( It's good to rewatch movies. i may watch the double life of Veronique soon, as it's one of my very favorites.

Movie God

Allison - wrote on 01/28/08 at 11:49 PM CT

How's it going? BTW I just saw Bela Tarr's Damnation. Was a beautifully thoughtful movie. Seen anything good lately?

Movie God

Allison - wrote on 01/17/08 at 10:41 AM CT

Oh yes, Amarcord was ok, but check out Fellini's Il Bidone (The Swindlers). http://filmcrave.com/movie_page_main.php?vd=1&id=17861 It is an early Fellini and is not pretentious and fanciful like his other films.

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