Movie Information
Overall Rank: 28
Average Rating: 3.2/4
# of Ratings: 1461
Theatrical Release Date: 05/23/1980
Language: English
Genre: Horror, Thriller
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Stanley Kubrick
Actors: Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Danny Lloyd, Scatman Crothers, Barry Nelson, Philip Stone
Plot: A man and his family head to a isolated hotel to "house sit." As the loneliness sets in, the husband begins to go insane, while the boy sees things that no one else can..
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 07/09/2019
If you can look past its many dissimilarities to the Stephen King book it's based on, you'll find that Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining" is a disturbing psychological terror that did to hotel hallways what "Jaws" did to the ocean.
Rating of
Indyfreak - wrote on 01/17/2016
A wonderfully creepy performance from Jack Nicholson, an intensely claustrophobic atmosphere, surreal set design, and a relentlessly chilling powerhouse of a musical score makes The Shining one of the better films adapted from Stephen King's work.
Rating of
Matthew Brady - wrote on 04/03/2014
"Here's johnny". The story is about a man and his family head to a isolated hotel to "house sit." As the loneliness sets in, the husband begins to go insane, while the boy sees things that no one else can. this movie is one of the best Stephen king book to ever but on the big screen.The director of this movie did so well with this and the movie is really creepy.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
The best horror out there
cacb3995 - wrote on 10/29/2017
The master Kubrick himself taking on Stephen King’s novel, but instead of making it a direct adaptation, Kubrick made the story his own, resulting in not only a superior work of fiction, but also the best horror film of all time. Deeply layered, open to thousands of interpretations, filled with subtleties that hint at the profounder thematics, carefully written, greatly performed and expertly directed, not to mention quite disturbing. The more you look into the film the more sinister it gets, with so many undertones and possibilities that there’s even a film about theories of this move, Room 237. The Overlook Hotel is a character in and out of itself, the most insidious of antagonists that could turn a regular man into a monster. With so many unforgettable images and moments and a …
Rating of
The best horror out there
cacb3995 - wrote on 10/29/2017
The master Kubrick himself taking on Stephen King’s novel, but instead of making it a direct adaptation, Kubrick made the story his own, resulting in not only a superior work of fiction, but also the best horror film of all time. Deeply layered, open to thousands of interpretations, filled with subtleties that hint at the profounder thematics, carefully written, greatly performed and expertly directed, not to mention quite disturbing. The more you look into the film the more sinister it gets, with so many undertones and possibilities that there’s even a film about theories of this move, Room 237. The Overlook Hotel is a character in and out of itself, the most insidious of antagonists that could turn a regular man into a monster. With so many unforgettable images and moments and a …
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The Shining review
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 07/31/2013
“Do you have the slightest idea what a moral and ethical principle is? Do you?” Re-watching this again after several years of purchasing a copy on DVD. One of the most artistic, creepy, insightful and detailed horror movies. It starts off with a writer in a job interview named Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson). The interviewer, Manager Stuart Ullman (Barry Nelson), informs Jack about a certain "cabin fever" incident. Chef Dick Hallorann (Scatman Crothers) informs Danny about not going inside Room 237. Jack's wife, Wendy (Shelley Duvall), has Danny (Danny Lloyd) checked after discovering his imaginary friend called Tony. Jack and his family check-in Overlook Hotel where he meets previous caretaker, Grady (Philip Stone) in the Gold Room. So many memorable scenes like the camera …
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