Boyhood Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 650

Average Rating: 3.1/4

# of Ratings: 112

Theatrical Release Date: 07/18/2014

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 10/11/2016

Language: English

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Richard Linklater

Actors: Ellar Coltrane, Patricia Arquette, Ethan Hawke, Tamara Jolaine, Nick Krause, Jordan Howard

Plot: Richard Linklater's films, 12 years in the making, follows the life of Mason as he ages from 5 to 18. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/04/2019

Richard Linklater's 12 years in the making film is astounding for its production achievement and relatable thanks to its lifelike characters and problems.

Rating of

MonaG - wrote on 06/11/2015

This movie was sorely in need of editing. It was way too long. I enjoyed it more in the beginning. Later, I couldn't wait for it to end. Overrated.

Rating of

Rod - wrote on 03/31/2015

Aside from the 12-year production. Nothing else is special.

Full Movie Reviews

Rating of

Zeit - wrote on 03/22/2016

Die zweite Szene in Boyhood deckt sich mit dem Motiv des Kinoplakats: Eine Junge liegt auf dem Rasen. Es ist Mason, Jr. (Ellar Coltrane). Er spricht nicht und es gibt auch keinen Erzähler aus dem Off; so können wir nicht wissen, was er gerade denkt. Darum geht es aber auch nicht in Boyhood. Der Film betrachtet das Leben, unsere flüchtige Existenz an sich. Richard Linklater bekam ungeheure mediale Aufmerksamkeit dafür, dass er dieses Projekt über zwölf Jahre mit demselben Hauptdarsteller verfolgte (die Eltern Olivia und Mason werden dargestellt von Patricia Arquette und Ethan Hawke, die Schwester von Lorelei Linklater, der Tochter des Regisseurs). Wir sehen zu, wie Mason aufwächst und seine Eltern langsam dick und grau werden. Olivia und Mason leben in verschiedenen Beziehungen …


Rating of

Life Happens

Gabe - wrote on 12/14/2015

A wonderful film about a boy who goes through life from the ages of 5-12. Obviously, the most talked about part, the fact that it took 12 years to make is the talking point, and the most fascinating fact about it. But, it also has some serious acting, Patricia Arquette won an Oscar for her role as Mason's mother and Ethan Hawke is good too, as are everyone involved with the film. It's great that they were able to get these people to come together for 12 straight years.

I know a lot of people that did not like this film because "nothing happens." But, that's the point. This film was supposed to portray "real life" and it did a great job at that. Sometimes "nothing happens." Although, quite a few "somethings" happen to Mason. Numerous moves, multiple divorces, abuse, but yet, he …

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

Rating of

Boyhood review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 03/26/2015

" I just feel like there are so many things that I could be doing and probably want to be doing that I'm just not." This this one line alone lets you know this picture is special. One of the most authentic and well-written films that this critic has ever seen. The music was just spotless and likewise provocative as its creative writing. Artists were realistic and cinematography just gorgeous. It was like watching Truman Show for Mason but without the humor. Arquette and Hawke were solid as always but the gamebreaker was Ellar Coltrane. So many life related lines like: "You know how everyone's always saying seize the moment? I don't know, I'm kind of thinking it's the other way around, you know, like the moment seizes us." by Nicole, "You don't want the bumpers, life doesn't give …

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