Movie Information
Overall Rank: 1671
Average Rating: 2.9/4
# of Ratings: 72
Theatrical Release Date: 04/04/2014
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 07/15/2014
Language: English
Genre: Sci-Fi
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Jonathan Glazer
Actors: Scarlett Johansson, Paul Brannigan, Jessica Mance, Krystof Hádek, Lee Fanning, Scott Dymond
Plot: A predatory alien seductress roams the Scottish highlands for unsuspecting hitchhikers. -- Chris Kavan
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Sensho - wrote on 03/14/2023
I own this film. The whole story was so strange I didn't get it. Maybe I need to watch it again, but my memories of this film prevent me from doing that. Color was good, sound was good!
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/19/2019
Jonathan Glazer very likely "out Lynches" David Lynch with "Under the Skin," a remarkably cerebral work that won't leave the back of your mind any time soon.
Rating of
Matthew Brady - wrote on 06/25/2014
This movie actually got under my skin. The story is about an alien in human form is on a journey through Scotland. This movie has a chilling score and the way the movie is shot is so amazing and weird to look at.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
Einzigartig - wrote on 03/28/2016
Jonathan Glazer ist ein brillanter Science Fiction Film gelungen, der mehr wie ein "Experiment" anmutet und weniger wie eine klassische Geschichte. Der Film hat so einiges zu sagen über die verschiedenen Gender Rollen, Sexismus und die Macht der Begierde. Im Grunde ist es eine sehr alte Geschichte über die Angst des Mannes vor der Frau. Ist Under The Skin nun ein Film, dessen tieferer Sinn sich erst bei mehrmaligen Anschauen erschliesst oder eines dieser Werke, deren visueller Stil darüber hinweg täuscht, dass es gar keine tiefere Ebene gibt? Gibt es so etwas wie "Under The Movie's Skin"? Und überhaupt, was haben wir hier vor uns: Genre- oder Experimentalfilm? Arthaus oder Camp? Mit groser Ruhe und ohne störende Dialoge nehmen wir die Perspektive einer Ausserirdischin ein. Sie …
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"Under The Skin" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 08/10/2014
An alien engaged in a process of capturing and cataloguing human beings embarks on a journey to understand what it means to be human. Scarlett Johansson flexes her indie credentials in this low budget British film that does its utmost to resist the pigeon hole. Part dark sci-fi, part metaphorical human drama, the first act is Invasion Of The Body Snatchers by David Lynch and the second a kind of Cronenberg-esque reinterpretation of Starman. Under The Skin attempts to be a mirror held up to humanity, inviting the viewer to re-examine what it is to be human and how we perceive each other. Johansson's alien is initially unquestioning in her role, using her appearance as a honey trap to entice an assortment of all-too-willing men into her collection. But when she encounters a man suffering …
Rating of
What's 'Under' Here?
Unknown - wrote on 07/19/2014
'Under the Skin' is one of those slow moving 'art' pictures that rely almost entirely on images and sound. Some can completely engross me, while others just come off as pretentious bore. This one falls in the middle. There's a feeling of mystery and unease about the entire picture that peaked my interest. Some particularly striking images compliment an eerie soundtrack. Few moments of fascination punctuate a less than stellar whole. Often, filmmakers will use a non-narrative format to visually explore complex ideas, emotions, etc. I didn't find anything of the sort under the surface here. Maybe the ending would've been more resound had I not read any synopsis. It doesn't spoil anything, but seeing as how the film doesn't explain a single detail to it's audience it still feels …
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