A Scanner Darkly Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists

Movies I Own List

List created by Lula Monster

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Secretary 4/4
2. Donnie Darko 4/4
3. The Nightmare Before Christmas 4/4
4. Coraline 4/4
5. Wall-E 4/4

Movies I Own

List created by Melissa

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. 28 Days Later 4/4
2. Cabaret 3/4
3. Chicago 3/4
4. Grease 4/4
5. Hello, Dolly! 3.5/4

Top Animation List

List created by movieman76

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. A Scanner Darkly N/A
2. The Secret of NIMH N/A
3. Titan A.E. N/A
4. Wall-E N/A
5. Up N/A

My Wish List

List created by lprojektl

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Finding Nemo N/A
2. Ratatouille N/A
3. Monsters, Inc. N/A
4. Saving Private Ryan N/A
5. Religulous N/A

Top Movie List

List created by elaw8828

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Reality Bites 4/4
2. Almost Famous 4/4
3. Apocalypto 4/4
4. The Reader 4/4
5. Gardens of the Night 3/4
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