Amélie ( Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, Le ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 102

Average Rating: 3.1/4

# of Ratings: 701

Theatrical Release Date: 11/02/2001

Language: French

Genre: Comedy, Romance

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Jean-Pierre Jeunet

Actors: Audrey Tautou, Mathieu Kassovitz, Rufus, Lorella Cravotta, Serge Merlin, Jamel Debbouze

Plot: A Paris woman, in search of helping others finds love in mysterious ways.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/07/2019

With it's charming characters and original, well inspired story, "Amélie" is filled with moments where you just can't help but smile.

Rating of

Camper - wrote on 03/31/2014

This reminds me of something Wes Anderson could have created. It's quirky and perfect; it makes you want to go someplace and do something. I love it.

Rating of

Polly - wrote on 06/20/2012

Feels like a dream you do not want to wake up from. You are reminded of life's little moments that you want to treasure forever and afterwards you can't help but want to be kinder to people.

Full Movie Reviews

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Schüchtern - wrote on 10/03/2016

Our Daily Free Stream: Jean-Pierre Jeunet - Amelie (engl. subt.). Montag ist der neue Sonntag, daher gibts heute einen echten Sonntagsfilm! - Amelie Poulain, eine heitere Fantasie über ein Mädchen mit trauriger Kindheit, die zu einer schüchternen Frau heranwuchs, die Bedürftigen aufzumuntern und sich selbst damit die grösste Freude zu verschaffen. Es ist einer dieser Filme, die einen noch zum Schmunzeln bringen, denkt man anschliessend darüber nach. Amelie Poulain, das ist Audrey Tautou. Sie sieht so aus wie jemand, der ein Geheimnis kennt (es aber nicht bewahren kann). Als Mädchen hungert sie regelrecht nach Liebe, da ihr Vater sie nie küsst oder streichelt. Als Arzt berührt er sie nur, wenn er die Tochter untersucht und das wiederum lässt sie vor Glück zittern. Ihre Mutter …

Movie God

Rating of

"Amelie" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 03/01/2012

Amelie is a young woman who grew up with only her emotionally challenged parents for company, and now lives in a world which is a combination of fantasy and vicarious experience as she touches the lives of those around her. Amelie is also a the kind of film that reminds you why you fell in love with cinema in the first place; and not just because Audrey Tautou is so adorable I could eat her up with a dessert spoon. Well, not entirely anyway. Some may be shocked to hear that I'm not exactly a fan of romances, but this is bittersweet, funny and touching in a way all romance aspires to but very few achieve; it's one of those films that's life affirming in a way that makes you feel like your life is richer for having seen it. Compared to this, the likes of Eternal Sunshine and its ilk are …

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

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Amelie review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 11/30/2011

Amélie Poulain (Audrey Tautou) has one of the greatest imaginations with a sense of purpose in life and manages to get a hidden treasure from her place. She seeks help from her talented neighbor Raymond Dufayel (Serge Merlin) who paints and uses a video camera. Nino collects unwanted photos from a photo booth and manages to stay in a porno video store. She tries to be a mystery to Nino. A mystery man appears in his album, which is actually a repairman that Amelie discovered. The moment Nino and Amelie meet is precious and spectacular. Nino accidentally goes out with Gina. I noticed she was always wearing red, first time Nino contacts her she was wearing green. The picture is filled with brilliant quotes: Amelie – “It's better to help people than garden gnomes.” Raymond …

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