Alexander Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists

Movie List Title

List created by genmorg

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. 8 Mile N/A
2. 10 Things I Hate About You N/A
3. 12 Monkeys N/A
4. 13 Ghosts N/A
5. 15 Minutes N/A

Actors: Anthony Hopkins

List created by QINGDAO!!!!!!!!!

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Elephant Man 4/4
2. The Silence of the Lambs 4/4
3. The Remains of the Day 3.5/4
4. Dracula 3.5/4
5. Nixon 3/4

Directors: Stone

List created by QINGDAO!!!!!!!!!

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Platoon 4/4
2. JFK 3.5/4
3. Born on the Fourth of July 3.5/4
4. Alexander 3.5/4
5. Nixon 3/4

Films (US)

List created by Ismae

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Vicky Cristina Barcelona N/A
2. The Red Shoes 4/4
3. Angels and Insects N/A
4. Smiley Face N/A
5. The Bucket List N/A

Worst All Time List

List created by Josh C

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Planet 0.5/4
2. Hobgoblins 0.5/4
3. Apt Pupil 0.5/4
4. 2001: A Space Odyssey 1/4
5. Alexander 0.5/4

Actors Role #140: Colin Farrell

List created by mdtinney

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Phone Booth 3/4
2. The Recruit 3/4
3. Alexander 2/4
4. Hart's War 2/4
5. S.W.A.T. 2.5/4
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