movies of 1977 by skater4159

movies of 1977

# Movie Title Rating Overall Add
1. The Hobbit (1977) 3.0/4 2.5/4
2. 25 Years - Impressions 2.0/4 2.0/4
3. Canal Zone (1977) 2.0/4 2.5/4
4. The Children of Theatre Street 3.0/4 2.5/4
5. Fortini/Cani 2.0/4 2.5/4
6. General Idi Amin Dada ( Général Idi Amin Dada: Autoportrait ) 3.0/4 2.3/4
7. John Heart Field, Fotomonteur 2.0/4 2.5/4
8. Roots Rock Reggae 3.0/4 2.5/4
9. Volcano: An Inquiry Into the Life and Death of Malcolm Lowry 2.0/4 2.2/4
10. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope 3.0/4 3.3/4
11. Roots (1977) 3.0/4 3.2/4
12. Annie Hall 3.0/4 3.1/4
13. Close Encounters of the Third Kind 3.0/4 3.1/4
14. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh 3.0/4 3.1/4
15. Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown 3.0/4 3.0/4
16. That Obscure Object of Desire ( Cet obscur objet du désir ) 3.0/4 3.1/4
17. Cross of Iron 3.0/4 3.1/4
18. Suspiria (1977) 3.0/4 2.9/4
19. Stroszek 3.0/4 3.1/4
20. 3 Women 3.0/4 3.1/4
21. Slap Shot 3.0/4 2.9/4
22. Eraserhead 3.0/4 2.9/4
23. Jesus of Nazareth 3.0/4 3.0/4
24. Kings of the Road ( Im Lauf der Zeit ) 3.0/4 3.1/4
25. The Duellists (1977) 3.0/4 2.8/4
26. Smokey and the Bandit 3.0/4 2.8/4
27. F for Fake ( Vérités et mensonges ) 3.0/4 2.9/4
28. A Bridge Too Far 3.0/4 2.9/4
29. Saturday Night Fever 3.0/4 2.8/4
30. The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane 3.0/4 2.8/4
31. The Spy Who Loved Me 3.0/4 2.8/4
32. 1900 ( Novecento ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
33. Black Sunday (1977) 3.0/4 2.8/4
34. Are You Being Served? 3.0/4 3.0/4
35. Chinese Roulette ( Chinesisches Roulette ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
36. Heart of Glass ( Herz aus Glas ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
37. The Rescuers (1977) 3.0/4 2.7/4
38. Oh, God! 3.0/4 2.6/4
39. Julia (1977) 3.0/4 2.8/4
40. Tracks (1977) 3.0/4 2.8/4
41. Pete's Dragon (1977) 3.0/4 2.7/4
42. The Gauntlet 3.0/4 2.6/4
43. Airport '77 3.0/4 2.6/4
44. Opening Night (1977) 3.0/4 2.9/4
45. High Anxiety 3.0/4 2.6/4
46. Looking for Mr. Goodbar 3.0/4 2.6/4
47. The Goodbye Girl (1977) 3.0/4 2.7/4
48. For the Love of Benji 3.0/4 2.6/4
49. Jacob the Liar ( Jakob, der Lügner ) 3.0/4 2.8/4
50. The Hills Have Eyes (1977) 3.0/4 2.5/4
51. In the Realm of the Senses ( Ai no corrida ) 3.0/4 2.8/4
52. MacArthur 3.0/4 2.6/4
53. American Friend, The ( Amerikanische Freund, Der ) 3.0/4 2.7/4
54. The Deep (1977) 3.0/4 2.5/4
55. Freaky Friday (1977) 3.0/4 2.5/4
56. Katzelmacher 3.0/4 2.7/4
57. Alice in the Cities ( Alice in den Städten ) 3.0/4 2.7/4
58. Audrey Rose 3.0/4 2.6/4
59. Rolling Thunder 3.0/4 2.7/4
60. Kentucky Fried Movie 3.0/4 2.5/4
61. Iphigenia ( Ifigeneia ) 3.0/4 2.8/4
62. House ( Hausu ) 3.0/4 2.6/4
63. The Eagle Has Landed 3.0/4 2.6/4
64. Jabberwocky 3.0/4 2.4/4
65. Outlaw Blues 3.0/4 2.9/4
66. Aces High (1977) 3.0/4 2.6/4
67. Pumping Iron 3.0/4 2.6/4
68. Go Tell the Spartans 3.0/4 2.7/4
69. Candleshoe 3.0/4 2.5/4
70. The Turning Point (1977) 3.0/4 2.7/4
71. The Island of Dr. Moreau (1977) 3.0/4 2.3/4
72. One on One 3.0/4 2.8/4
73. Message, The ( Mohammed: Messenger of God ) 3.0/4 2.6/4
74. Cria! ( Cría cuervos ) 3.0/4 2.8/4
75. Killer of Sheep 3.0/4 2.6/4
76. Death Weekend 3.0/4 3.1/4
77. New York, New York 3.0/4 2.3/4
78. Devil's Advocate, The ( Teufels Advokat, Des ) 3.0/4 2.4/4
79. Marginal Ones, The ( Oka Oori Katha ) 3.0/4 2.6/4
80. The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training 3.0/4 2.3/4
81. Mother Küsters Goes to Heaven ( Mutter Küsters' Fahrt zum Himmel ) 3.0/4 2.5/4
82. Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom ( Saló, o le Centoventi Giornate di Sodoma ) 3.0/4 2.3/4
83. Satan's Brew ( Satansbraten ) 3.0/4 2.4/4
84. Man Who Loved Women, The ( homme qui aimait les femmes, L' ) 3.0/4 2.6/4
85. Providence (1977) 3.0/4 2.4/4
86. Night of the Seagulls ( noche de las gaviotas, La ) 3.0/4 2.7/4
87. The Uncanny (1977) 3.0/4 1.6/4
88. The Cassandra Crossing 3.0/4 2.6/4
89. Battle of Chile: Part 2, The ( batalla de Chile: La lucha de un pueblo sin armas - Segunda parte: El golpe de estado, La ) 3.0/4 2.9/4
90. Shock Waves 3.0/4 2.6/4
91. Sorcerer (1977) 3.0/4 2.7/4
92. March or Die 3.0/4 2.6/4
93. Short Eyes 3.0/4 2.7/4
94. The Last Remake of Beau Geste 3.0/4 2.4/4
95. Desperate Living 3.0/4 2.6/4
96. Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo 3.0/4 2.2/4
97. Empire of the Ants 3.0/4 2.0/4
98. Fellini's Casanova ( Casanova di Federico Fellini, Il ) 3.0/4 2.6/4
99. ABBA: The Movie 3.0/4 2.4/4
100. The Man in the Iron Mask (1977) 3.0/4 2.6/4
101. The Late Show 3.0/4 2.7/4
102. Beast, The ( bête, La ) (1977) 3.0/4 2.2/4
103. sauvage, Le 3.0/4 2.7/4
104. Rollercoaster 3.0/4 2.2/4
105. Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla aka Godzilla vs. the Bionic Monster aka Gozilla vs. Cosmic Monster ( Gojira tai Mekagojira ) 3.0/4 2.1/4
106. Roseland 3.0/4 2.3/4
107. Damnation Alley 3.0/4 2.1/4
108. Demon Seed 3.0/4 2.4/4
109. The Spell (1977) 3.0/4 2.3/4
110. Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger 3.0/4 1.9/4
111. Adventures of a Private Eye 2.0/4 2.3/4
112. The Van (1977) 3.0/4 2.6/4
113. Black and White in Color ( Noirs et blancs en couleur ) 3.0/4 2.3/4
114. Femmes fatales ( Calmos ) 3.0/4 2.3/4
115. Allegro non troppo 3.0/4 2.3/4
116. Twilight's Last Gleaming 3.0/4 2.3/4
117. Wizards (1977) 3.0/4 2.1/4
118. From Noon Till Three 2.0/4 1.9/4
119. Fun With Dick and Jane (1977) 3.0/4 2.2/4
120. Kingdom of the Spiders 3.0/4 2.1/4
121. The Car 3.0/4 2.0/4
122. The Incredible Melting Man 3.0/4 1.8/4
123. Backroads (1977) 3.0/4 2.0/4
124. The World's Greatest Lover 3.0/4 2.1/4
125. All Creatures Great and Small 3.0/4 2.4/4
126. A Little Night Music 3.0/4 2.4/4
127. Terror of Mechagodzilla ( Mekagojira no gyakushu ) 3.0/4 1.8/4
128. Heroes (1977) 3.0/4 2.1/4
129. The Pack (1977) 3.0/4 2.1/4
130. Day of the Animals 3.0/4 1.9/4
131. Master of the Flying Guillotine ( Du bi quan wang da po xue di zi ) 3.0/4 2.1/4
132. camion, Le 2.0/4 2.1/4
133. Salon Kitty 3.0/4 2.1/4
134. The White Buffalo 3.0/4 2.1/4
135. News from Home 3.0/4 2.7/4
136. Violette & François 2.0/4 1.9/4
137. Tentacles ( Tentacoli ) 3.0/4 1.8/4
138. Conversation Piece ( Gruppo di famiglia in un interno ) 3.0/4 2.3/4
139. Illegal, The ( Alambrista! ) 3.0/4 2.3/4
140. Telefon 3.0/4 2.3/4
141. Crash! (1977) 3.0/4 2.3/4
142. Target of an Assassin ( Tigers Don't Cry ) 2.0/4 2.3/4
143. Mr. Billion 3.0/4 2.3/4
144. Legend of Dinosaurs & Monster Birds ( Kyôryuu: Kaichô no densetsu ) 3.0/4 2.7/4
145. Demoniacs aka Curse of the Living Dead ( démoniaques, Les ) 3.0/4 2.0/4
146. You Light Up My Life 3.0/4 2.5/4
147. Slightly Pregnant Man, A ( événement le plus important depuis que l'homme a marché sur la lune, L' ) 3.0/4 2.6/4
148. Grand Theft Auto 3.0/4 2.3/4
149. Bad (1977) 3.0/4 2.1/4
150. Orca 3.0/4 1.7/4
151. Semi-Tough 3.0/4 2.0/4
152. The Manitou 3.0/4 1.8/4
153. diable probablement, Le 2.0/4 1.8/4
154. Lacemaker, The ( dentellière, La ) 2.0/4 1.7/4
155. The Domino Principle 3.0/4 2.0/4
156. The Last Dinosaur 3.0/4 2.1/4
157. Between the Lines 3.0/4 2.3/4
158. Bobby Deerfield 3.0/4 2.1/4
159. Gods of the Plague ( Götter der Pest ) 3.0/4 2.4/4
160. I Don't Want to Be Born aka Devil Within Her, The ( Sharon's Baby ) 3.0/4 2.5/4
161. The Billion Dollar Hobo 3.0/4 2.2/4
162. Equus 2.5/4 1.7/4
163. Escape from the Dark ( Little Horse Thieves,The ) 2.0/4 2.0/4
164. To Kill With Intrigue ( Jian hua yan yu Jiang Nan ) 3.0/4 2.3/4
165. Kid Vengeance 3.0/4 2.0/4
166. The Mouse and His Child 2.0/4 2.2/4
167. Grin Without a Cat, A ( fond de l'air est rouge, Le ) 3.0/4 2.0/4
168. Outrageous! 2.0/4 2.3/4
169. Eaten Alive ( Death Trap ) 3.0/4 2.1/4
170. Exorcist II: The Heretic 3.0/4 1.4/4
171. Bethune 2.0/4 1.7/4
172. Sweeney! (1977) 2.0/4 2.1/4
173. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 3.0/4 2.3/4
174. Mr. Klein 3.0/4 2.5/4
175. Valentino (1977) 3.0/4 1.9/4
176. Pardon Mon Affaire ( éléphant ça trompe énormément, Un ) 2.0/4 1.5/4
177. One Sings, the Other Doesn't ( une chante, l'autre pas, L' ) 2.0/4 1.5/4
178. Special Day, A ( Giornata particolare, Una ) 3.0/4 2.2/4
179. A Piece of the Action 3.0/4 2.1/4
180. Another Man, Another Chance ( autre homme, une autre chance, Un ) 2.0/4 1.5/4
181. The Other Side of Midnight 3.0/4 2.2/4
182. Haunts 2.0/4 1.9/4
183. Assignment, The ( Uppdraget ) 2.0/4 1.5/4
184. The Choirboys 3.0/4 2.1/4
185. The Crater Lake Monster 3.0/4 2.4/4
186. Jade Tiger ( Pai yu lao hu ) 3.0/4 2.3/4
187. Effi Briest 3.0/4 1.8/4
188. Summer City 3.0/4 2.0/4
189. Devil's Men, The ( Land of the Minotaur ) 3.0/4 1.7/4
190. Mansion of the Doomed 3.0/4 2.4/4
191. Black Joy 2.0/4 1.8/4
192. Corleone 3.0/4 1.8/4
193. The Main Actor 2.0/4 1.5/4
194. Mannaja: A Man Called Blade 3.0/4 2.0/4
195. Joey ( Deliver Us from Evil ) 3.0/4 2.2/4
196. Billy Jack Goes to Washington 3.0/4 2.0/4
197. The Black Panther (1977) 2.0/4 2.0/4
198. We All Loved Each Other So Much ( C'Eravamo tanto amati ) 3.0/4 2.0/4
199. Woman with Red Boots, The ( femme aux bottes rouges, La ) 3.0/4 2.0/4
200. Above Us the Earth 2.0/4 1.7/4
201. Ruby (1977) 3.0/4 2.3/4
202. Mad Dog Killer, The aka Beast with a Gun ( belva col mitra, La ) 3.0/4 2.0/4
203. Petey Wheatstraw - The Devil's Son-in-Law 3.0/4 2.0/4
204. Blue Fire Lady 3.0/4 2.2/4
205. Raid on Entebbe 3.0/4 1.8/4
206. Breaker, Breaker 3.0/4 2.0/4
207. The Chicken Chronicles 3.0/4 1.6/4
208. Emmanuelle 3 ( Goodbye Emmanuelle ) 3.0/4 1.4/4
209. Important Thing is to Love, The ( important c'est d'aimer, L' ) 3.0/4 1.5/4
210. Bare Knuckles (1977) 2.0/4 1.6/4
211. Scarlet Letter, The ( scharlachrote Buchstabe, Der ) 3.0/4 2.0/4
212. Jail Bait aka Wild Game ( Wildwechsel ) 2.0/4 1.5/4
213. Greased Lightning (1977) 3.0/4 2.1/4
214. The People That Time Forgot 3.0/4 2.1/4
215. The Love Letters from Teralba Road 2.0/4 1.5/4
216. Fire Sale 3.0/4 1.8/4
217. Padre padrone 3.0/4 2.0/4
218. The Private Files of J. Edgar Hoover 3.0/4 1.7/4
219. Strongman Ferdinand ( starke Ferdinand, Der ) 2.0/4 1.3/4
220. Drive in Massacre 3.0/4 1.1/4
221. 10 Magnificent Killers ( Shi da sha shou ) 3.0/4 1.8/4
222. Devil Has 7 Faces, The ( Diavolo a sette facce, Il ) 3.0/4 2.0/4
223. Heroin Busters, The ( via della droga, La ) 3.0/4 2.5/4
224. Dragon Lives, The aka Bruce Lee: The True Story ( Li Xiao Long zhuan qi ) 3.0/4 1.7/4
225. Death Game ( Seducers, The ) 3.0/4 2.5/4
226. Punk in London 3.0/4 2.7/4
227. Race, the Spirit of Franco ( Raza, el espíritu de Franco ) 2.0/4 2.0/4
228. Nestor, the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey 3.0/4 2.3/4
229. 1988: The Remake 2.0/4 2.0/4
230. One Way or Another 2.0/4 2.5/4
231. Nearly Wide Awake 2.0/4 2.0/4
232. Citizens Band 2.0/4 2.0/4
233. Before Hindsight 2.0/4 2.0/4
234. Behind Convent Walls 2.0/4 2.0/4
235. The Birth of Magellan: Cadenza I 3.0/4 3.0/4
236. The Kondura (The Sage from the Sea) aka Boon 2.0/4 2.0/4
237. The Boxer (1977) 2.0/4 2.0/4
238. Confessions from a Holiday Camp 2.0/4 2.0/4
239. The Consequence 2.0/4 2.0/4
240. Crazy Horse of Paris, The ( Crazy Horse de Paris ) 2.0/4 1.8/4
241. Last Chants for a Slow Dance 2.0/4 2.0/4
242. Dear Inspector 2.0/4 2.0/4
243. Dynasty ( Qian dao wan li zhu ) 2.0/4 2.0/4
244. Evening Land 2.0/4 2.0/4
245. Wombling Free 2.0/4 2.0/4
246. The Getting of Wisdom 2.0/4 2.0/4
247. Let's Get Laid! 2.0/4 2.0/4
248. Love is Like a Violin 2.0/4 2.0/4
249. The Last Melodrama 2.0/4 2.0/4
250. The Two of Them 2.0/4 2.0/4
251. Pelvis ( Toga Party ) 2.0/4 1.5/4
252. Purple Taxi 2.0/4 2.0/4
253. Report, The ( Gozaresh ) 3.0/4 1.8/4
254. The Role 2.0/4 2.5/4
255. This Sweet Sickness 2.0/4 2.0/4
256. Slavers 2.0/4 2.0/4
257. Stand Up, Virgin Soldiers 3.0/4 2.8/4
258. Speedtrap 2.0/4 2.0/4
259. Stunts 2.0/4 1.7/4
260. Let Me Die a Woman 2.0/4 1.5/4
261. Stunt Squad ( polizia è sconfitta, La ) 3.0/4 2.5/4
262. Sandakan 8 aka Brothel 8 ( Sandakan hachibanshokan bohkyo ) 3.0/4 2.8/4
263. Islands in the Stream 3.0/4 2.6/4
264. Joseph Andrews 3.0/4 2.2/4
265. Which Way is Up? 3.0/4 2.5/4
266. That Most Important Thing: Love ( important c'est d'aimer, L' ) 3.0/4 1.8/4
267. American Tickler 2.0/4 2.0/4
268. Angel City 2.0/4 1.5/4
269. Ankur (The Seedling) 2.0/4 2.0/4
270. Apple Game, The ( Hra o jablko ) 2.0/4 2.0/4
271. The Glitterball 2.0/4 2.0/4
272. Grayeagle 2.0/4 2.0/4
273. The Greatest (1977) 3.0/4 2.3/4
274. The House in Nightmare Park 3.0/4 3.0/4
275. House of Mortal Sin ( Confessional, The ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
276. I Never Promised You a Rose Garden 3.0/4 2.6/4
277. Immoral Tales ( Contes immoraux ) 3.0/4 1.9/4
278. In the Best Interests of the Children 2.0/4 2.0/4
279. Indians Are Still Far Away, The ( indiens sont encore loin, Les ) 2.0/4 2.0/4
280. Inutile d'envoyer photo 2.0/4 2.0/4
281. Io Island ( Iodo ) 2.0/4 2.0/4
282. J.A. Martin, Photographer ( J.A. Martin photographe ) 2.0/4 2.0/4
283. Gangbusters Kung-Fu ( Gong fu xiao zi ) 2.0/4 2.0/4
284. affiche rouge, L' 2.0/4 2.0/4
285. Demise of Father Mouret, The ( faute de l'abbé Mouret, La ) 2.0/4 2.0/4
286. Gang, The ( gang, Le ) 2.0/4 2.0/4
287. Judge Fayard Called the Sheriff ( juge Fayard dit Le Shériff, Le ) 2.0/4 2.0/4
288. Orderers ( ordres, Les ) 2.0/4 2.0/4
289. Life of Chikuzan, The ( Chikuzan hitori tabi ) 2.0/4 2.0/4
290. Man on the Roof, The ( Mannen på taket ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
291. The Moon Over the Alley 2.0/4 2.0/4
292. Nine Months ( Kilenc hónap ) 2.0/4 2.0/4
293. The November Plan 2.0/4 2.0/4
294. Punishment, The ( Osânda ) 2.0/4 2.0/4
295. The Sell-Out (1977) 3.0/4 2.5/4
296. Seven Nights in Japan 3.0/4 3.0/4
297. Silent Cry (1977) 2.0/4 2.0/4
298. The Squeeze (1977) 3.0/4 2.0/4
299. Zero Hour ( Stunde Null ) 2.0/4 2.0/4
300. Summerfield 2.0/4 2.0/4
301. Sunday Children ( Niedzielne dzieci ) 2.0/4 2.0/4
302. Sven Klang's Combo ( Sven Klangs kvintett ) 2.0/4 2.0/4
303. Swallows and Amazons (1977) 3.0/4 3.0/4
304. The Swiss Conspiracy 3.0/4 3.0/4
305. That's Carry On 2.0/4 2.0/4
306. Thunder and Lightning 3.0/4 3.0/4
307. Very Moral Night, A ( Egy erkölcsös éjszaka ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
308. Viva Knievel! 3.0/4 2.3/4
309. Welcome to Blood City 3.0/4 3.0/4
310. The Worm Eaters 3.0/4 2.5/4
311. Can I Do It... Till I Need Glasses? 3.0/4 3.0/4
312. War in Space ( Wakusei daisenso ) 3.0/4 2.3/4
313. Curse of the Devil ( retorno de Walpurgis, El ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
314. Pyjama Girl Case, The ( ragazza dal pigiama giallo, La ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
315. The Child (1977) 3.0/4 3.0/4
316. Fight for Your Life 3.0/4 3.0/4
317. Victor Frankenstein ( Terror of Frankenstein ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
318. Mimino 3.0/4 2.0/4
319. Checkered Flag or Crash 2.0/4 2.0/4
320. French Quarter 3.0/4 3.0/4
321. Cinderella 2000 3.0/4 3.0/4
322. Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure 2.0/4 2.0/4
323. Double Game ( Torino violenta ) 3.0/4 2.3/4
324. Man Called Magnum, A ( Napoli si ribella ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
325. Sole Sisters ( Filles uniques ) 2.0/4 1.8/4
326. The Legend of Frank Woods 3.0/4 3.0/4
327. Karate Bull Fighter ( Kenka karate kyokushinken ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
328. Karate for Life ( Sora-te baka ichidai ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
329. Battle Wizard ( Tian long ba bu ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
330. Golgo 13 ( Golgo 13: Kûron no kubi ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
331. Pippi on the Run ( På rymmen med Pippi Långstrump ) 3.0/4 2.8/4
332. Satan's Cheerleaders 3.0/4 3.0/4
333. Death Bed: The Bed That Eats 3.0/4 2.3/4
334. The Rhinemann Exchange 3.0/4 3.0/4
335. Lady Medic, The ( dottoressa del distretto militare, La ) 2.0/4 2.0/4
336. Dead of Night (1977) 3.0/4 3.0/4
337. Curse of the Black Widow 2.0/4 2.3/4
338. Count Dracula (1977) 3.0/4 2.0/4
339. Supervan 3.0/4 2.0/4
340. It's Your First Kiss, Charlie Brown 3.0/4 3.3/4
341. Black Oak Conspiracy 3.0/4 2.3/4
342. Mr. Scarface ( padroni della città, I ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
343. Too Hot to Handle (1977) 3.0/4 3.0/4
344. Model Couple, The ( couple témoin, Le ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
345. Final Chapter: Walking Tall 3.0/4 3.0/4
346. Curious Case of the Campus Corpse, The ( Hazing, The ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
347. Greyeagle 3.0/4 2.5/4
348. The Happy Hooker Goes to Washington 3.0/4 2.3/4
349. Get Charlie Tully ( Ooh...You Are Awful ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
350. Older Brother, Younger Sister ( Ani imôto ) 2.0/4 2.5/4
351. Pressure (1977) 2.0/4 2.5/4
352. Justine ( Cruel Passion ) 3.0/4 2.5/4
353. King, Queen, Knave 2.0/4 2.7/4
354. Forever Young, Forever Free ( E' Lollipop ) 2.0/4 2.5/4
355. Hitler: The Whole Story aka Hitler, a Career ( Hitler - eine Karriere ) 3.0/4 2.2/4
356. Fire! (1977) 3.0/4 2.5/4
357. Hitch Hike to Hell (1977) 3.0/4 3.0/4
358. Halloween is Grinch Night 3.0/4 2.3/4
359. The Street 2.0/4 2.7/4
360. Bilitis 2.0/4 2.0/4
361. The Brute (1977) 2.0/4 2.5/4
362. The Butterfly Ball 3.0/4 3.0/4
363. Exhibitionist, The aka Copenhagen Nights ( Candido erotico ) 2.0/4 2.0/4
364. Chac: The Rain God ( Chac: Dios de la lluvia ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
365. Come Play with Me (1977) 2.0/4 2.0/4
366. Death is My Trade ( Aus einem deutschen Leben ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
367. East of Elephant Rock 2.0/4 1.3/4
368. Executioners from Shaolin ( Hong Xi Guan ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
369. First Love (1977) 3.0/4 3.0/4
370. Let Joy Reign Supreme ( Que la fête commence... ) 3.0/4 2.5/4
371. Valley, The ( vallée, La ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
372. Autopsy ( Macchie solari ) 3.0/4 2.0/4
373. Bruce Lee, the Legend 3.0/4 3.0/4
374. California (1977) 2.0/4 3.0/4
375. Leonor ( Mistress of the Devil ) 3.0/4 3.0/4
376. The Guy from Harlem 3.0/4 1.5/4
377. Intimate Strangers (1977) 2.0/4 2.5/4
378. Cinderella (1977) 3.0/4 3.0/4
379. The Adam Project 3.0/4 2.8/4
380. The Cursed (2022) 3.0/4 2.5/4
381. Baxter, Vera Baxter 2.0/4 2.0/4
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