Terminator Salvation Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 4554

Average Rating: 2.6/4

# of Ratings: 320

Theatrical Release Date: 05/21/2009

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 12/01/2009

Language: English

Genre: Action, Sci-Fi

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: McG

Actors: Christian Bale, Sam Worthington, Anton Yelchin, Common, Bryce Dallas Howard, Moon Bloodgood

Plot: The future is now: Skynet has devastated the world with a nuclear holocaust and now a band of humans, led by John Connor, must survive against a merciless army of machines bent on wiping out the last remnants of mankind.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 02/09/2014

The future is now: Sky net has devastated the world with a nuclear holocaust and now a band of humans, led by John Conner, must survive against a merciless army of machines bent on wiping out the last remnants of mankind. This movie has really good visual effect's and Christian Bale played a good John Conner.

Rating of

dukeakasmudge - wrote on 08/10/2011

I'm not a BIG Terminator fan but I do like watching the movies anytime somebody comes out with a new 1.Terminator Salvation was way better then I though it was gonna be & I loved the action, special effects & storyline

Rating of

mitchellyoung - wrote on 07/08/2011

A desolate and discouraging flick that plods along until the third act. Then, when a CGI Arnold appears on screen, the film exhibits flickers of its predecessor, if only through the nostalgia of seeing a familiar face.

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

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"Terminator Salvation" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 01/06/2012

A man on death row donates his body to science, little knowing he would wake up in the middle of a war between mankind and machine. The fourth film in the Terminator franchise, Salvation is set after the bombs have dropped and as such is the one a large proportion of the terminator fan base has been wanting pretty much since the beginning. Lifting some ideas from Robocop and even the Battlestar Galactica series, the newest addition to Skynet's arsenal is a bit of a stretch to the credulity but I think this (like Rise Of The Machines, Alien Resurrection etc) is the kind of film that depends entirely on how you approach it. You can pick holes in the plot if that is your wont, but I personally preferred to sit back and enjoy the ride. The cast aren't exactly inspired but to be honest they …


Rating of


Nerva - wrote on 04/16/2010

If Hollywood can't improve, or even match a classic movie with it's sequel I wish it would just strop trying. Again, fancy looking CGI doesn't take the place of a good story. The first Terminator was a bit on the bleh side and the second was excelent but the thing that made the second part so excelent was the transformation of Sarah Conner from drab girl next door to kick ass war chick. Using the same actress which really made the movie, when paired with it's earlier version pop out. They had an opportunity here to do something similar and cast the actor that played John Connor in T2 to now reprise his role in the adult, kick ass version. And the fact that they didn't really annoyed me from the start. Screwing over the fans of the series, the actor who rightfully deserves his role back …

Mr. E Movie Review
Mr. E Movie Review
Rising Star

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Terminator: Rise of the Machines

Mr. E Movie Review - wrote on 09/25/2009

Terminator: Rise of the Machines

(Run time: min. - Directed by: - Starring: Christian Bale)

Let me start by saying that this is the best Terminator movie in the series and that includes the original, hands down. And that’s a strong statement since the original Terminators been on my top 10 list since I was a kid! And even without Arnold, or maybe because, this film is the creative look at a future world we were all promised in the original over 20 years ago! (Even though there's a look-a-like cameo late in the film.)

Christian Bale is by far one of the best leading men in the business today. (Best Batman ever.) He make‘s the character of John Connor finally come to life in a real way. The pain, the worry of what‘s to come, and the confidence in his prophesized destiny. …

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Recent Movie Talk Posts

Aspiring Actor

curl - wrote on 2011-03-24 02:11

Terminator 3 was best of all.

Aspiring Actor

Besttaste - wrote on 2011-03-13 22:14

Loved Terminator Salvation! Loved the Trailers leading up to the film. I loved the look/Cinematography of the movie. Loved Sam Worthington's Performance. Did not like the different Terminators thought that was really cheesy. Favorite Terminator/ "Sam's Terminator."Can't wait to see what they think of for the next one. Do not like the fact that Sam's Character was killed off. Really loved the Interaction between John Conner and Sams T. Really awesome!

Armando Sanchez
Armando Sanchez

Armando Sanchez - wrote on 2011-01-24 21:10

long story short : "the terminator franchise has died,saddly there should be no more sequels"


Hush - wrote on 2009-05-25 18:17

It was better than Wolverine. I hope someday they make a good X-men film...please God let there be one!


ZJW - wrote on 2009-05-21 16:58

It's not worse than T3 but it isn't really better either... :-/

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