The Spirit Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 28995

Average Rating: 1.8/4

# of Ratings: 72

Theatrical Release Date: 12/25/2008

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 04/14/2009

Language: English

Genre: Action, Drama

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Frank Miller

Actors: Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson, Eva Mendes, Gabriel Macht, Jaime King, Paz Vega

Plot: The Spirit is Denny Colt, a man born, murdered and born again. He will protect Central City from the forces of evil, including the devious Octopus.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 08/11/2014

Sin City was better than this. This movie is just a dull, uninspiring comic book movie that doesn't have that breathtaking feel like Sin City had.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 08/18/2011

This is just a boring, confusing mess of a comic movie that plays like a Sin City rip-off which is ironic, because it was directed by the man who created Sin City.

Rating of

lpd381 - wrote on 12/31/2010

This movie was a convoluted shit hole of bad writing sub par acting and bad directing. None of the characters are remotely likable, the attempts of humor fall miles short. This first 45 minutes of the movie are just a series of 1 liners. The only thing that helps this movie is the 1 second you get to see Eva's back side. I full heartedly thank god I only spent $3 on this movie because anymore and I would have had to punch a baby. If you have the option to see this movie or be stabbed to death, think twice about life.

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

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"The Spirit" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 03/19/2012

Frank Miller's first foray behind the camera is inevitably based on a graphic novel featuring an unkillable crime fighter and his evil nemesis, The Octopus. Superficially it resembles Robert Rodriguez' film version of Miller's own Sin City, no doubt the inspiration for Miller's decision to tackle a cinematic project of his own. The difference is that Rodriguez is an experienced and skilled film maker, whereas Miller just has a very good eye for an image. The Spirit for me just seemed like an exercise in "Film Noir For Dummies". All the ingredients are here, but the action is half hearted and unexciting and although it has a tongue in cheek approach, it just isn't funny. The result resembles a Saturday morning cartoon; the Octopus' henchmen in particular are straight out of Adam West's …

The Film Rebel
The Film Rebel

Rating of


The Film Rebel - wrote on 04/17/2010

2008 was a fucking FANTASTIC year for movies. I'd go as far as to say it was the best year in movies since 1994. There were more good movies then there were bad ones. Sure, there was some shit such as those god awful spoof movies, "Max Payne", and "Mummy 3", but other than a few turds, the toilet that was 2008 was pretty clean. I saw the trailer for "The Spirit"(Frank Miller's adaptation of Will Eisner's beloved comic book series) back when I want to see "The Dark Knight". I loved the visual style and I loved the tone, this looked like a fun cross between "Sin City" and "Dick Tracy".

Well, the week "The Spirit" I was fixing to see it with my dad. However, our weekend was a bit too busy and we didn't get a chance. One week later, we find out that it's doing very shitty in box office …


Rating of

Not enough good to overcome the bad.

filmfan09 - wrote on 05/16/2009

Unlike Sin City, which layered impressive visuals with an engaging, smart and fast-paced story, The Spirit doesn't have anything as remarkable to fall back upon. This is due in large part to the participation of adaptor/director Frank Miller (who is on his own here after assisting Robert Rodriguez on Sin City). The film takes the stylized neo-noir look of Sin City and marries it with the campy tone of the ’60s Batman series. As expected, it doesn’t work out very well.

The lead character is played by Gabriel Macht. As a result of something that happened in his past, The Spirit is made invulnerable. He can be wounded or injured but his body regenerates very quickly. The same can also be said about his nemesis, The Octopus (Samuel L. Jackson). The Octopus wants unlimited power and …

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CJP - wrote on 2009-01-25 01:33

I can't add much to this, but I will say this: The Spirit sucked. That's hard for me to say because comic-movies are one of my guilty pleasures! However, Scarlett yawned her way through this as much as Jackson overacted through it. It was just a confused cast with a bad script.

Northeast Kid
Northeast Kid
TV Extra

Northeast Kid - wrote on 2009-01-11 19:31

Doesn't make the movie good.....puke.


Nick - wrote on 2009-01-09 17:01

Over half the people who watched Snakes on a Plane went solely because of that line!  And that line was awesome!

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

Chris Kavan - wrote on 2009-01-08 10:12

The Spirit is completely corny and ham-acted, but I really think that's how it was supposed to come across. It was perfect for Samuel L. Jackson. Love him or hate him, you have to admit at least he's having a good time.

Northeast Kid
Northeast Kid
TV Extra

Northeast Kid - wrote on 2009-01-07 12:46

Riiiighht.  Like snakes on a plane.  That was a terrible movie and Sam Jackson sucked ass in it!

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