Movie Information
Overall Rank: 7053
Average Rating: 2.5/4
# of Ratings: 135
Theatrical Release Date: 02/22/2002
Language: English
Genre: Horror, Fantasy
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Michael Rymer
Actors: Aaliyah, Stuart Townsend, Marguerite Moreau, Vincent Perez, Lena Olin, Claudia Black
Plot: Lestat is back and once again wreaks havoc everwhere he goes! This time he has gone too far and awakened an ancient evil : Akasha, Queen of the Damned. Will she be stopped or will earth become a hell over which she rules?
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Unknown - wrote on 08/07/2011
Over stylized, sexualized, and everything else-ized. Hello again, boredom.
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BmovieJosh - wrote on 10/07/2009
Great music. I like how they used Jonathon Davis for the music "in" the film.
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TheWolf - wrote on 07/25/2007
While I don't really get into the Ann Rice novels I did enjoy this movie. I just thought it was more creative then the usual run of the mill vampire movie that we see turn up every couple years. I thought the effects were very well done, and the music was great. I still listen to David Drainman's song forsaken. The story was also well thought out, and I like how it doesn't just jump into present day, or stay in the past too long. Overall I would recommend this to people that are looking for a different type of vampire movie.
Full Movie Reviews
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"Queen Of The Damned" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 05/21/2012
Another Anne Rice novel makes it to the big screen, complete with the usual frock-coated homo-eroticism and pseudo-gothic romanticism. It's the kind of film that probably really appeals to pubescent goth girls who get a kick out of watching shirtless, pouty, long-haired men spout poetry and wrestle with each other to a sub-standard Nine Inch Nails style soundtrack. None of these ingredients appeal to me however, and so I can view it with rather more objectivity. And the fact is, it's not very good. The plot is listless, there's little drama and as appealing as Aaliyah looks in her vampire queen garb, she has little to do save, well, look appealing. But by far the biggest flaw is in the direction, which is dreadfully amateurish; Rymer clearly has no idea how to direct action and it's full …
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One of my all time favourites
Tjommi - wrote on 02/24/2012
There is something about this movie that make me just love it. I like everything about it. The story, the script, the charaters and vampires. Vampires are cool. This is one of those movies that I watch again on a regular basis when the details about it begin to become fuzzy, I have seen it at least 5 times over the years since it was released and I know that I will see it again. I must confess that I have not read Anne Rice novel that this movie is based on, but I couldn't care less if the book is better. I think that argument is flawed based on the simple fact that you can't compete with the images that you have created in your mind and a movie that someone else have made. Following that logic nothing will ever be good enough.
This movie has a catchy story, a good cast superb music …
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Best Vampire Movie Ever!!!!
prettypirate - wrote on 05/28/2009
The famous Vampire Lestat is back in this movie that is not so much a sequel, but rather a whole new story. It is in a whole different class than Interview with the Vampire. Aaliyah portrays the Queen of the Damned, Akasha. She is a perfect combination of that sensual attraction and frightening power that makes the vampire. Stuart Townsend is absolutely amazing as Lestat! He has that perfect sex appeal and intensity to capture your senses, but also a sexy brooding sense of danger in his character. It is much better than Interview with the Vampire. It is not like the book at all and perhaps that is why it succeeded, because it would have been impossible to explain the complicated plot of Anne Rice's brilliant novel. Nevertheless it highlights the important themes of the book.
The movie …
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