Dogma Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 2183

Average Rating: 2.8/4

# of Ratings: 346

Theatrical Release Date: 11/12/1999

Language: English

Genre: Comedy, Adventure

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Kevin Smith

Actors: Linda Fiorentino, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Chris Rock, Alan Rickman, Jason Lee

Plot: Two angels banished from heaven have discovered a loophole to get back in - but they will destroy creation in the process. It's up to the last scion of Christ, the 13th apostle, two prophets, a muse and the voice of God to stop them.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 07/09/2019

As Kevin Smith's most original film, it's funny and smart, and manages to keep its comedic tone even in its most serious moments.

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 02/22/2014

Two angels banished from heaven have discovered a loophole to get back in - but they will destroy creation in the process. It's up to the last scion of Christ, the 13th apostle, two prophets, a muse and the voice of God to stop them. This movie has funny jokes that some times go a little bit too far but who cares.

Rating of

mitchellyoung - wrote on 03/09/2012

Dogma is an absolutely insane (plotwise) and brilliant (scriptwise) satire of all things religion and spirituality. Along with some irreverent jokes, the film actually makes some great points about religion itself and the ensemble cast performances are among some of the finest of Smith's movies.

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

"Dogma" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 01/22/2012

When a pair of fallen angels discover a loophole that means they could re-enter heaven, the last descendant of Christ and a motley assortment of supernatural helpers set out to stop them before they cause the end of all creation. Fair play to Kevin Smith for this brave attempt at a deconstruction of biblical mythology because it's quite a nice idea and obviously risked a backlash from the usual assortment of religious nutters. The problem however is that although he clearly did his homework and made sure he got all his facts straight, a lot of the material he used is lost on anyone who doesn't go to Catholic Bible class and so much of the script is spent explaining the stories and characters he is sending up. Unfortunately, if you have to explain why a joke is funny, that means it isn't …

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

Rating of

Dogma review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 10/10/2011

Bartleby (Ben Affleck), a watcher, and Loki (Matt Damon), the former Angel of Death were exiled in Wisconsin and have plans of passing through the church in New Jersey. The voice of God Metatron (Alan Rickman) seeks the last person who can save the whole of existence. He appears infront of Bethany Sloane’s (Linda Fiorentino) bedroom. After conversing, she discovers that she is adied by 2 prophets Jay and Silent Bob (Jason Mewesand Kevin Smith), 13th apostle Rufus (Chris Rock) and a muse Serendipity(Salma Hayek). God (Alanis Morissette) rights everything that was wronged. Some quotes on the flick: Bartleby – “The lesson must be taught. All are accountable … even God.” Azreal – “It's a human construct! But true to his irresponsible nature, man won't own up to being its …


Rating of

Dogma is not Dog shit

Sebman - wrote on 10/12/2009

Now I am catholic, and most catolic believe that this movie is mean and offensive. I understand that but really I have to say this was funny as shit. To me i think everyone is in their A- game. Ben Affleck is funny, we see Matt Damon not being Serious than his other movie. Jay and silent Bob are once again another home run even though Silent Bob has maybe the least amount of words his says throughout this movie. The humor is hilarious like how Jesus is black and the not remenber thirtenth disciple is black too but isn't in the Bible or how god is actually a woman. All of this is actually hilarious and I defintely should say you should check it out. Now even though Already gave a rating to this review already but just for the hell it, give a much different rating out of 10.
The …

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