The Great Gatsby Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 3335

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 119

Theatrical Release Date: 05/10/2013

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 08/27/2013

Language: English

Genre: Drama, Romance

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Baz Luhrmann

Actors: Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan, Joel Edgerton, Isla Fisher, Tobey Maguire, Gemma Ward

Plot: Based on the novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald: when Midwesterner Nick Carraway moves to Long Island, he becomes fascinated and then drawn in to the world of the lavish lifestyle of his neighbor Jay Gatsby. But he soon sees beneath the veneer of his "perfect" life where obsession, tragedy and madness all await. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/10/2019

2013's "The Great Gatsby" captures the glamour of the classic book, but none of its soul.

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 07/23/2014

Baz Luhrmann makes The Great Gatsby come alive! The visuals, the costumes, the sets, and the music all bring one back to the Roaring Twenties. The cast is excellent although some are overlooked for reasons I cannot pretend to know why.

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 01/07/2014

This movie got $132,782,832 at the box office but a other rich man to the rest home MR stark. this movie had mix review's by critic's but I think this movie was ok.this movie has good visual's/good acting/.

Full Movie Reviews

Rating of

Popart - wrote on 04/12/2016

Ein Desaster ist Baz Luhrmanns Adaption von The Great Gatsby nicht. Visuell betritt der Film sogar Neuland! Die Misstöne rühren eher daher, dass Luhrmann versucht, einen "klassischen" Roman einzubalsamieren. Dafür bricht hier die unglaublichste 3D Technik heraus, die ich bis dahin im Kino sah! Gleich vier oder fünf filmische Experimente köcheln hier unter der Oberfläche. Obwohl der Film nicht funktioniert, ist seine Technik doch grandios! Dieses "Nicht-Funktionieren" hat aber eher damit zu tun, dass Luhrmann nicht in der Lage ist, seine Geschichte geradeaus zu erzählen. Jeder, der mal einen seiner Filme gesehen hat, weiss, worauf er sich einlässt: Die Theatralik alter Filme wird hier ordentlich aufgepoppt - am Ende wirkt jeder Luhrmann Film wie ein aufgeblasenes Musical, selbst …


Rating of

No Love, Luhrmann.

memento_mori - wrote on 09/09/2013

The Great Gatsby is in my eyes the perfect example of style over substance.
While it is easily Baz Luhrmann's best film, he not only creates a an environment in which reality is scarce, but a 3D Hollywood-fest, that basically screams: I'm Pretty! through its excessive over-the-top acting and surprising Jay-Z music.

Luckily, one of the better points of the film is Leo. He's my favorite actor, so there's no wonder he would light up the dark, but he came off more Oscar-willing than Oscar-worthy. Substitute 'SHUT UP SHUT UP' with 'GIVE ME AN OSCAR' and you'll see why.
Joel Edgerton however steals the show. This is a greedy, malicious ba*tard who really knows how to manipulate people. Very different from his family-man persona in Warrior. If anyone deserves Best Supporting Actor, then …


Rating of

The Great Gatsby

KingInTheNorth - wrote on 09/09/2013

Brace Yourselves, this review is LONG

World literature also survives, without the help of Hollywood, decades. Effortlessly .
The ambition of the dream factory so is quite an artistic and commercial risk . So there are about F. Scott Fitzgerald's modern classic novel " The Great Gatsby " no completely satisfactory film version , last failed director Jack Clayton and his leading actor Robert Redford in 1974 at the tricky task. Also Baz Luhrmann adaptation struck in the run against a certain skepticism .
Roman purists feared the Australian would destroy Fitzgeralds' finely honed prose in favor of exuberant visual stimuli.
And actually plays Luhrmann its strengths , but not only that what he is. " The Great Gatsby " conjures with his social drama on the big screen, is simply …

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FSUNoles27TS - wrote on 2012-12-11 20:17

I skipped reading it in high school so many times, I might as well pay my teachers back by going to see this book to movie piece.

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