Moon Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 437

Average Rating: 3.1/4

# of Ratings: 309

Theatrical Release Date: 06/12/2009

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 01/12/2010

Language: English

Genre: Sci-Fi, Thriller

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Duncan Jones

Actors: Sam Rockwell, Kevin Spacey, Dominique McElligott, Rosie Shaw, Kaya Scodelario, Matt Berry

Plot: Sam Bell has spent the last three years working for Lunar mining precious gas to save Earth's energy crisis. Alone with only a computer, he has reflected on life and worked on his temper. Envisioning a return home, he suddenly experiences strange visions and occurrences. As he unravels the mystery, he discovers the life he has created for himself may not be his own.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/25/2019

A psychological thriller taking place in space.

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 02/22/2014

Sam Bell has spent the last three years working for Lunar mining precious gas to save Earth's energy crisis. Alone with only a computer, he has reflected on life and worked on his temper. Envisioning a return home, he suddenly experiences strange visions and occurrences. As he unravels the mystery, he discovers the life he has created for himself may not be his own. This movie has clever writing and good writing.

Rating of

MikePA - wrote on 01/21/2013

An excellent sci-fi spectacle with a mesmerizing performance by Sam Rockwell. It's further proof that Duncan Jones is one hell of a director of sci-fi thrillers (I loved Source Code). It looks terrific, it's thought-provoking and unpredictable, and Rockwell carries the movie through his intense performance. One of 2009's best, IMO. 3.5/4

Full Movie Reviews

Rating of

Allein - wrote on 05/06/2016

Wahrscheinlich gehöre ich zu den Science Fiction Traditionalisten und halte die 70er für das letzte gute Jahrzehnt dieses Genres. Und natürlich befinde ich mich im Unrecht, so wie alle Traditionalisten. Moon von Duncan Jones beweist das. Das hier ist eine dieser Science Fiction Perlen, die keine Ausstattungsschlacht bieten will, sondern eine Idee! Mit fünf Millionen Budget mutet der Film recht bescheiden an und sein Titel wirkt wie eine Verbeugung vor der Zeit, als der Mond noch ein ein hehres Ziel der amerikanischen Raumfahrt war. Der Weltraum stellt bei Jones eine Metapher dar für die Einsamkeit seines einzigen Protagonisten. Vielleicht ist seine innere Leere so gross wie die äussere? Sam Bell heisst der Astronaut und wird gespielt von Sam Rockwell. Seit drei Jahren arbeitet er …

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

Rating of

Moon review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 09/19/2012

Much like Cast Away, Surrogates combined with Solaris and 2001: Space Odyssey. Sam Bell (Sam Rockwell) about to go home in a few weeks since his three-year contract is about to end at Lunar Industries' largely automated "Sarang" lunar base. He sees things and discovers the astronaut he saved just looks like him. The special effects is breathtaking while the setting/base impressive. Sam Rockwell) was just great in his role. Screenplay was fresh with some good lines: Sam Bell - "We're not programs Gerty, we're people." and Gerty - "I hope life on Earth is everything you remember it to be."The film however slows down in the middle and became interesting towards the conclusion. The image of the lady from the start was unexplained as well. Nevertheless, Moon is an entertaining …

Movie God

Rating of

"Moon" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 02/23/2012

A lone astronaut working a mining operation on the moon starts seeing the face of a young woman and begins to question his sanity. Moon flies very much in the face of contemporary sci-fi. It has a very retro look, complimented perfectly by the use of beautifully crafted miniatures rather than the ubiquitous CGI and this retro feel is carried through to every aspect of the film. The sets are very reminiscent of the original Alien, the scenario echoes 70s eco sci-fi Silent Running combined with the themes of Solaris, it has the ominous electronic countdown of Outland and has a similar plot line to some aspects of Capricorn One; but it does so with such reverance and understanding of the genre it is far from a cheap carbon copy. Sam Rockwell puts in a great performance as the man alone …

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Recent Movie Talk Posts

Movie God

Alex - wrote on 2009-06-08 22:22

This has been getting absolute rave reviews.  Its too bad that I am sure I will be let  Oh well - here is still hoping!

Aspiring Actor

carverboy - wrote on 2009-05-23 00:37

The trailer def hooked me. Gold Star to Alex for remembering silent running. Lump of coal for the "much better" comment.Silent Running is a true classic.


MovieGuy878 - wrote on 2009-05-20 01:10

Sam Rockwell is such a talented actor.Check out his wonderful proformance in "Snow Angels" if you dont believe me, I really hope this is the movie he shows people what he's made of. This role screams oscar but we all know this proformance doesnt have a shot of a nomination.


ZJW - wrote on 2009-05-18 01:26

I as well am very interested in this movie. I've watched the trailer of it several times b/c it's just so captivating - lol. Certainly looking forward to seeing this.

Movie God

Alex - wrote on 2009-05-07 15:21

This looks really interesting. But, it does sound a lot like silent running. Lets hope it is much better.

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