Movie Information
Overall Rank: 7333
Average Rating: 2.4/4
# of Ratings: 249
Theatrical Release Date: 12/14/2001
Language: English
Genre: Thriller, Romance
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Cameron Crowe
Actors: Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz, Jason Lee, Penélope Cruz, Kurt Russell, Ivana Milicevic
Plot: A spoiled inheritor finds his life is turned upside down after a mutilating car crash with is friend. He struggles to adjust to the imperfect life.
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Indyfreak - wrote on 04/12/2018
Cameron Crowe's ambitious yet wildly unwieldy blend of science fiction, romance, and psychological suspense is not for everyone. I can't even say I enjoyed it but I was fascinated by it.
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smeagol - wrote on 10/18/2012
This is a awesome smart movie which keeps the viewer in suspense throughout until the conclusion. is he dead is he dreaming is he crazy what has he done what really happened ? the answers and twist is revealed at the end which gives a great dilemma and question of what would you do in that situation, . great acting by tom cruise and Penélope Cruz who is adrorable in this film. and also has one of the best lines in movies ( I think she's the saddest girl to ever to hold a martini ) .its a movie that makes you think and has romance at its heart .
Rating of
mitchellyoung - wrote on 07/05/2011
This is a love it or hate it movie for most people, but I, for one, love it. There are a lot of buried nuances involving the nature of the waking and dreaming mind that Cameron Crowe buries in his film's music, dialgoue, and visual imagery. The film drags at the beginning, but the twisting conclusion is worth the wait.
Full Movie Reviews
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Vanilla Sky review
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 10/22/2012
"The subconscious is a very powerful thing." A wide array of drama, sci-fi, and romance exhibited with a cameo from one of this rater's favorite directors. David Aames (Tom Cruise) is interviewed by Dr. McCabe (Kurt Russell). Sofia Serrano (Penélope Cruz) was introduced by David's best friend, Brian Shelby (Jason Lee) while his friend Julie Gianni (Cameron Diaz) becomes overzealous. Soundtrack was wonderful as always coming from the directors reportoires including the spiffy camera angles. Performances from Cruise and Diaz were spectacular. Screenplay was great with lines "Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around." from Sofia, "The little things... there's nothing bigger, is there?" from David, "Life is full of surprises." from the Raymond Tooley on the TV and …
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"Vanilla Sky" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 01/27/2012
The young head of a multi-million dollar publishing empire is almost killed by a suicidal stalker and during the process of putting his life back together, it seems to become a strange blurring of fact and fiction. The dreams vs reality format draws inevitable comparisons with the likes of Total Recall and Inception and the moment the breezy romance gives way to the alternate scenario of a masked Cruise awaiting trial for murder the story becomes very intriguing. He actually gives a decent lead performance (although it is, as ever, impossible not to think of wacky pseudo religions and dwarfism every time you look at him), Jason Lee does his usual quirky best friend schtick and Penelope Cruz is cute as the romantic interest. But really it is Kurt Russell who makes the movie and all of the …
Rating of
shutterspeed777 - wrote on 04/28/2009
Careful. This film will mess up your mind. Seriously, too many twists and turns will prove helpful so long as they delve on one constant plot. In this film, you're on your own to conjecture some sense. Really, no right or wrong. The movie provides a generic plot. Although I believe that sometimes in someone's life, when the mind is overwhelmed by a heavy load of strain, like a lost love, a pain so deep that existence seems meaningless, one's life is put on a "PAUSE". Others just lose it. But for DAVID AAMES (TOM CRUISE) the wealthy publishing tycoon, an innovative company LIFE EXTENSION, gave him a "second chance" by allowing him to live his dreams; or rather, to live IN his dreams. A weird but provocative concept. In the end, TOM CRUISE chose to look at the ugly monster eye to eye. …
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