Josh O Watts

Josh O Watts

FilmCrave Points

Activity Points
Total Ratings 59
Total Reviews 3
Total Lists 4
Total Plots 0
Total Points 78

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Josh O Watts's Information

Ranking Status: TV Extra

Name: Joshua Watts

Gender: Male

Current Area: San Francisco, CA

Home Town: Vallejo, CA

Movie Profile

Film I Love: Good Will Hunting

Film I Hate: Date Movie

Favorite Genre: Comedy

Least Favorite Genre: Anime

Favorite Actors: Jim Carrey, Edward Norton, Angelina Jolie, Matt Damon

Favorite Director: Guy Ritchie

Least Favorite Director: Uwe Boll

Latest Movie Review

Rating of

In Bruges

This film is a keeper

This film should be in your collection, a Comedy/Drama/Action and all around greatness. See this film, love it. The characters are real fleshed out, the acting is great. Ralph Fienes does a great job in playing the antagonist and is one of the many brilliant parts in this film. Brendan Gleeson is such an underrated actor, he's been in a film you've seen and you haven't noticed because he is that damn good. He does it again here. I love movies that have emotion in them and this one does it great while having the comedy never too far away.

Recent Rating History

Movie Title Rating Overall Add
Spider-Man 3.0/4 2.9/4
Ocean's Eleven (2001) 3.0/4 3.0/4
The Transformers (2007) 3.5/4 2.8/4
The Boondock Saints 4.0/4 2.9/4
The Hurt Locker 4.0/4 3.1/4

Top Movie List

# Movie Title Rating Overall Add
1. Good Will Hunting 4.0/4 3.2/4
2. The Shawshank Redemption 3.5/4 3.5/4
3. In Bruges 4.0/4 3.1/4
4. The Matrix 4.0/4 3.2/4
5. The Dark Knight 3.5/4 3.4/4

Recent Comments

Movie God

Alex - wrote on 03/27/11 at 01:44 PM CT

We wanted you to be the first know about the launch of FilmCrave’s sister site,, the ultimate video game social network! You will recognize much of the same great features as you do on FilmCrave, but enhanced for video game lovers. We invite you to become a member, rate your favorite games, create your top game lists, and write game reviews.
We can’t wait to see you at As always, you know where to find us if you have questions.

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

Chris Kavan - wrote on 07/29/10 at 12:34 AM CT

Hello all!

As you can see, the site looks much better! We also made a few additions, which I think you will be pleased with.

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Movie God

Alex - wrote on 05/19/10 at 07:39 PM CT

You wanted movie news and FilmCrave is proud to deliver it to you. Get instant updates to the latest movie rumors and news, right here on FilmCrave: Movie NewsWe also launched our movie blog where we will provide deeper insight into the latest news and movie rumors. Not to mention updating everyone on what is happening with FilmCrave. Be sure to read it every day at: Movie BlogFinally, we have integrated with Facebook to allow you to "like" your favorite news stories, blog posts, and movies. …

Josh C
Josh C

Josh C - wrote on 04/27/10 at 03:56 PM CT

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