Mad Max: Fury Road Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 338

Average Rating: 3.2/4

# of Ratings: 174

Theatrical Release Date: 05/15/2015

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 09/01/2015

Language: English

Genre: Action

MPAA Rating: R

Director: George Miller

Actors: Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron, Nicholas Hoult, Zoë Kravitz, Rosie Huntington-Whitely, Riley Keough

Plot: In a post-apocalyptic wasteland - the fight for survival has twisted the remnants of mankind, turning most into mad, vicious gangs. In this chaotic world two rebels may be able to restore order while seeking their own forms of redemption: Max, a man who just wants peace after losing his wife and child and Furiosa - who thinks finding her childhood home is the answer. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/06/2019

A heart-pounding, full throttle action spectacle, "Mad Max: Fury Road" is a powerhouse of a survival story.

Rating of

Asm Nabil - wrote on 08/08/2017

Everyone in this film are mad except max. 85/100

Rating of

Chris d - wrote on 05/24/2015

so i was not truly sure what too expect from this movie when i went to see it i was kinda worried it would suck but good old max didnt let me down the movie was fantastic full of thrills action and suprizes from start to finish good summer sequel good classic movie i say see it

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

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"Mad Max: Fury Road" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 05/07/2017

Max is captured by a cult that worship an overlord who controls the local population through strict rationing of the water supply and to escape forms an alliance with his trusted lieutenant who mutinies to save his wives from captivity as "breeders". In George Miller's first addition to the Mad Max franchise in 30 years Tom Hardy takes over the role and acquits himself adequately, although the show is well and truly stolen by Charlize Theron as a kind of "Mad Maxine"; the resulting feminist overtones of the story are rather lacking in subtlety but it's a refreshingly different character dynamic to most action films. The plot is something of a rehash of some of the better ideas of the previous film - the rather bloated and tedious Beyond Thunderdome - which it thankfully surpasses in …

Rating of

Heavy Metal - wrote on 03/08/2016

George Miller transformierte das post-apokalyptische Entertainment in eine singuläre Zukunfts-Vision von zunehmender Verzweifelung. Drei Dekaden nach dem letzten Film kehrt Miller nun endlich in die desolate Landschaft von Mad Max zurück. Die Titelrolle übernimmt der ständig nörgelnde Tom Hardy. Mad Max Fury Road zieht mit einem Versprechen ins Feld: Wie werden die Wüsten-Vehikel aussehen? Wie umwerfend werden die Stunts ausfallen? Von der ersten Minute an, besitzt Mad Max IV die Energie eines Veteranen auf der Höhe seines Könnens: Miller reisst uns mit ohne die billigen Special Effects oder papierdünnen Charaktere, die Sommer-Blockbuster so gern aufbieten. Der Erfinder des post-apokalyptischen Genres führt einer ganzen Generation von Filmemachern vor, wie sie ungeschickt und …


Rating of

A crazy action film. One hell of a ride

sreekirch - wrote on 12/31/2015

One hell of a road chase film was this. The action sequences were jaw dropping, the photography was awesome, the dialogues in the film were crazy. The performances were bang on. Tom Hardy a rough voiced character plays Max. He struggles to remove his mask, tries to cut open the back chains and all struggles he dotes perfectly. He only utters his. character name once, that too comes in a bang. Furiosa OMG ! Charlize Theron can pull of such a bad ass character, with vigor and charm. That was crazy enough. Nicolas Hoult was also a spirited character. What about the Immortal so what we call in the film the baddie of the film. A skull jaw bone attached to a mask of a heavy bodied person. That was crazy. This is one of a film where I can keep telling the points, but hell ride when watched. I …

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Recent Movie Talk Posts

Aspiring Actor

Stuart - wrote on 2015-10-07 23:45

I watched Mad Max Fury Road last night, its good that its very similar to the older movies they have kept closely to the original idea but I think I need to rewatch it to full understand the plot.


smeagol - wrote on 2015-07-28 04:59

good action movie. the action never stops not perfect thoughThe female lead seems to be the star of the film not sure whats so mad about max he hardly speaks and doesn't seem mad at all lol  and cant understand him when he does. who is he ?action was relentless great scenes really top quality some of the best ive seen so well made, but it would of been nice for it to have more speaking more character buiding rather than non stop action from the word go to endgood film but feels like being …

Aspiring Actress

jessicacarlson - wrote on 2015-07-21 05:48

"Mad Max" doesn't just depict conflicts with evildoers in a tattered
existence. It delivers a rare alternative to aggressively stupid action
movies. At a time of great need, Max rides again.

Aspiring Actor

Sarthak - wrote on 2015-07-03 19:11

the best thing about the movie was its sound...the music in the whole movie was incredible...Should definitely get an oscar

Aspiring Actress

jessicacarlson - wrote on 2015-06-19 07:06

mad max is my favourite action movie of 2015.My Wish List

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