Mr. and Mrs. Smith Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 5263

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 380

Theatrical Release Date: 06/10/2005

Language: English

Genre: Action, Comedy

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Doug Liman

Actors: Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Vince Vaughn, Adam Brody, Kerry Washington, Michelle Monaghan

Plot: A married couple find themselves drifting further apart - until each discovers the other works for a rival assassination agency.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 11/28/2018

Horribly written, lazily directed, and coasting solely on the 'chemistry' of its two lead actors.

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 02/11/2014

The story is about a married couple find themselves drifting further apart - until each discovers the other works for a rival assassination agency. This movie was enjoyable to watch.

Rating of

Alaine - wrote on 12/09/2011

I loved the weaving of personal and professional in this movie. Angelina and Brad got the relationship language beautifully, right down to the body and facial looks. Tough love

Full Movie Reviews


Rating of

“Satisfied??? Not for years!!!”

MovieAddict - wrote on 05/03/2013

I can certainly see why Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt became a couple in their personal life because the chemistry and electricity between them is smoking in this film.

Plot: John and Jane Smith (Heart throb Brad Pitt and sensuous Angelina Jolie) are a mild mannered couple married for six years with dark secrets. As irony would have it, they are so good at concealing their true selves, that neither knows that the other is their biggest rival working for two competing Agencies until they are hired to hit the same mark while on a routine mission. A memorable fight ensues in their home similar to what we saw in Danny DeVito’s "War of the Roses."

Much of the enjoyment comes from watching Pitt and Jolie play off each other. The playful banter between the two was fun (Pitt confesses …

Movie God

Rating of

"Mr. And Mrs. Smith" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 01/31/2012

A middle class couple with seemingly the ideal life are unknowingly a pair of highly paid assassins working for rival companies. When the suits heard that they'd got the Brangelina monster on board for this project they probably soiled their jockeys and I'm surprised they even bothered to write a script before wheeling out the money printing machine. With the most popular male and female leads on the planet starring and a concoction of rom-com for the ladies and action for the lads this film was never going to fail financially but complacency could've made it go oh-so wrong in all other departments. Luckily Pitt and Jolie's chemistry actually works really well and their heavily armed bickering provides a fair few laughs. Essentially Kramer vs Kramer with artillery, Mr And Mrs Smith plays …

The M.O.W.
The M.O.W.

Rating of

The ultimate rocky marriage

The M.O.W. - wrote on 08/01/2008

"John" and "Jane Smith" (Brat Pitt and Angelina Jolie) appear to have the perfect marriage, but looks can be deceiving. They are, in fact, keeping a huge secret from one another -- they are competing secret agents working for different agencies.

They learn of each other's jobs when both are assigned to take out the same target. Then their relationship spirals downward from there until something unexpected brings them back together.

The first thing you notice is that Jolie and Pitt have great on-screen chemistry. With exception of a few badly scripted spots and lines, they worked very nicely together. It got real fun watching them play cat and mouse with one another as they tried to kill each other through a good chunk of the film.

A problem I noticed with this movie is the …

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