

FilmCrave Points

Activity Points
Total Ratings 352
Total Reviews 351
Total Lists 3
Total Plots 1
Total Points 1,422

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Alaine's Information

Ranking Status: Producer

Name: Alaine B

Gender: Female

Home Town: CA

Education: College grad.

About Me: I like good movies in any genre. I also like mediocre and bad movies if they're entertaining.

Interests: Eclectic.

Movie Profile

Film I Love: Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans

Film I Hate: Small Soldiers

Guilty Pleasure: Gojira (without Raymond Burr)

Favorite Genre: Adventure

Least Favorite Genre: Anime

Favorite Actors: Annette Bening, Rip Torn, Helen Mirren, Derek Jacobi

Least Favorite Actors: Tom Cruise, Paris Hilton, Will Ferrell, William Shatner

Favorite Director: Roman Polanski

Least Favorite Director: J.R. Bookwalter

Movie Quotes: "Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death" - Rosalind Russell as Auntie Mame

Latest Movie Review

Rating of

Hard Candy

Some candy can break teeth

Teenage girl asks to meet with a pedophile who's been trying to seduce her on the Internet. He weaves his web on the "unsuspecting" girl and they go to his house after the initial meeting. They have drinks together and he wakes up secured to a chair. The plot follows the interactions of the two people as he tries to wiggle out of whatever she has planned for him. The characters are shown as more complex than the usual knee-jerk shallow treatment given to stories of prey and predator. Ellen Page and Patrick Wilson take us down paths that twist unexpectedly. This is a thought-provoker rather than a good guy-bad guy experience. Not for everyone, of course, but I recommend it.

Recent Rating History

Movie Title Rating Overall Add
Goodbye, Lenin! 3.5/4 2.9/4
Hard Candy 3.5/4 2.9/4
I Love You Again 2.5/4 2.8/4
Havoc (2005) 2.5/4 2.0/4
A Life Less Ordinary 1.5/4 2.2/4

Top Movie List

# Movie Title Rating Overall Add
1. Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans 4.0/4 3.3/4
2. Let the Right One In ( Låt den rätte komma in ) 4.0/4 3.1/4
3. Sin City 4.0/4 3.0/4
4. All About My Mother ( Todo sobre mi madre ) 4.0/4 3.1/4
5. The Fifth Element 4.0/4 3.0/4

Recent Comments

Aspiring Actor

Jmr71 - wrote on 09/05/14 at 10:57 PM CT

Caddyshack Review comment

You r crazy

Movie God

Yojimbo - wrote on 12/23/11 at 05:47 AM CT

Yes, the thing I think it needs most is an equivalent to the MCT. All you can do at the moment is see the most recent members and there's no way of seeing what kind of films they're into. I also miss being able to see my friends reviews on the movie pages (not that I have any on here apart from you!)

Aspiring Actor

MODERNLANCEALOT - wrote on 12/21/11 at 06:41 PM CT


Movie God

Yojimbo - wrote on 12/21/11 at 06:07 AM CT

Nice to see a familiar face!

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