Movie Information
Overall Rank: 321
Average Rating: 3.1/4
# of Ratings: 332
Theatrical Release Date: 10/24/2008
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 03/10/2009
Language: Swedish
Genre: Horror, Drama
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Tomas Alfredson
Actors: Kare Hedebrant, Lina Leandersson, Per Ragnar, Henrik Dahl, Karin Bergquist, Peter Carlberg
Plot: A child vampire finds friendship with an unexpected boy that lives in the apartment building. -- Josh C
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/18/2019
A raw story that's as gruesome as it is emotional, its power really comes from its various character roles including friends, lovers, bullies, parents, and vampires.
Rating of
Matthew Brady - wrote on 03/19/2014
The film is about child vampire finds friendship with an unexpected boy that lives in the apartment building. This movie is a chilling and a cold movie.
Rating of
Matthew Brady - wrote on 03/19/2014
The film is about child vampire finds friendship with an unexpected boy that lives in the apartment building. This movie is a chilling and a cold movie.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
Glauben - wrote on 06/03/2016
Our Daily Free Stream: Let The Right One In (engl.). Gothic Look dient dazu, ein Zeichen zu setzen, ein Understatement. Das tut nicht weh. Es braucht schwarzes Leder, das abends über den Stuhl geworfen werden kann und ein paar Tattoos, die mit schmerzlindernder Creme eingestochen werden. Wie aber würde es sich anfühlen, in die Fänge eines echten Vampirs zu geraten? Was wäre das für eine Erfahrung, sich selbst als Blutsauger auszuprobieren? Let The Right One In ist ein Vampirfilm, aber keiner, der irgendwelchen Regeln folgt. Es ist kein Vampirfilm mit Knoblauch und Holz-Pflöcken. Hier wird Vampirismus ernst genommen, ausserordentlich ernst! Zuletzt schienen Filme während des deutschen expressionistischen Stummfilms so sehr an die Thematik zu glauben! Let The Right One In ist das …
Rating of
Nordic Bleakness with an Uplifting Twist
stephskie67 - wrote on 03/25/2013
Ethereal, bleak, enchanting, understated, shocking, bloody, romantic and beautifully filmed, Let the Right One in is all that a great Swedish film should be. Kare Hedebrant who plays Oskar is mesmerising; a gentle, innocent, 'different' child, as white as the perpetual snow that covers the landscape throughout this movie. Wild horses wouldn't normally drag me to watch a 'vampire movie' and yet the vampire theme in LTROI is almost peripheral to the central themes of loneliness, isolation, bullying and the gentle (well, sometimes brutal) unfolding of first love. The adult characters, although numerous, often belligerent or sometimes just plain bizarre, fade like shadows into the background, so strong is the presence of Oskar, Eli (played by Linda Leandersson), and their brutish peers. …
Rating of
Let the Right One In review
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 11/12/2012
Oskar (Kåre Hedebrant) is a 12 year old who gets bullied most of the time at school. He meets a strange girl named Eli (Lina Leandersson). Mysterious murders occur in their town while the pair of youngsters bond. Soundtrack was almost unnecessary to bring out the needed chilling effect brought by the subtle direction. Performances were sincere to keep you connected with the characters which makes you feel apart of their estranged relationship. The style of direction was spectacular for its genre. It's pace was questionable though doesn't ruin the picture completely as to make the cinematography picturesque. Le the Right One is definitely better than its remake and eons ahead from other vampire related flicks because of its subjects of acceptance, bullying and love.
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Recent Movie Talk Posts
Alex - wrote on 2008-12-14 16:55
I saw a lot of previews at independent theaters for it.  Looked interesting to me...much better than most American vamp movies.
Franz Patrick - wrote on 2008-11-04 00:50
I'd rather watch this than "Twilight." Fortunately, it's playing on the small theater at UCI. Maybe I'll check it out this weekend.
CJP - wrote on 2008-10-25 18:08
Well, it opened this weekend, but nowehere in my lovely Fresno, CA =( Must keep looking....
Allison - wrote on 2008-10-24 20:04
I didn't think i'd be excited about this one either, but I've heard some good things. It's a Swedish movie! And apparently it's not exactly horror, but it's about vampires. Should be interesting, but I will wait for more feedback before actually seeing it.