King Arthur Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 6595

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 138

Theatrical Release Date: 07/07/2004

Language: English

Genre: Action, Adventure

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Antoine Fuqua

Actors: Clive Owen, Keira Knightley, Ioan Gruffudd, Joel Edgerton, Stephen Dillane, Mads Mikkelsen

Plot: A "Knights of Round Table" tale.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Sensho - wrote on 03/14/2023

Really great action film! The color was really good, and the sound was great! Acting was really good, and the storyline was right on target. I have seen this film several times, and I will watch it several more times. I like the camaraderie of the characters and they look cool in their costumes.

Rating of

LordEddardStark - wrote on 07/02/2013

The story was quite good and the soundtrack was great, but all in all the movie was a failure.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 04/30/2012

Boring action retelling of King Arthur's adventures. Skip it.

Full Movie Reviews

Rating of

Alles echt - wrote on 03/08/2016

"For centuries, countless tales have been told of the legend of King Arthur. But the only story you've never heard ... is the true story that inspired the legend." (Trailer). Uuuhh! Buuuh! Gibt es nicht eher Parallelen zum Irak Krieg? Die römischen Imperialisten geben England den nahenden Sachsen preis. Einzig der mutige Arthur bleibt Verbündeter. Der Film ist dunkler als andere Arthur Verfilmungen. Es gibt einen Runden Tisch, aber die Ritter finden kaum Platz, darum zu sitzen. Jeder einzelne spricht gepflegt Englisch, sogar die Ritter aus Sarmatien. Und wo bitte liegt "Woad", das Königreich Arthurs? Jetzt müssen wir auch unser historisches Wissen erweitern, denn Arthur hat mit wenigen Männern einen Kampf gegen hunderte oder gar tausende Sachsen an einem gefrorenen See gewonnen …

Movie God

Rating of

"King Arthur" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 05/21/2012

Ha ha! Once again Hollywood presents it's interpretation of "history", and once again, it's about as convincing as the manifesto of the flat earth society. Every cinematic cliche from the stories of Robin Hood and Arthurian legend is mixed with Braveheart and even Gladiator, and presented as "fact", which is easily the film's biggest flaw. Every time the name Arthur or Lancelot is mentioned, it only serves to remind how absurd it all is. But expecting the worst, I watched this with my least cynical head on (luckily, otherwise I would never have made it past the first half hour)and actually rather enjoyed it. When it finally gets down to the serious business of everyone hacking each other into Mcnuggets, things definitely improve. The battle sequences are superb, both thrilling and …

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