The Incredibles Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 164

Average Rating: 3.1/4

# of Ratings: 1084

Theatrical Release Date: 11/05/2004

Language: English

Genre: Animation, Family

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: Brad Bird

Actors: Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Jason Lee, Spencer Fox, Samuel L. Jackson, Elizabeth Pe?a

Plot: The world is rid of villains, when a family of Super Heroes are called up on a task to save the world, bringing out the other super heroes of the world.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/06/2019

Examining ideas such as midlife crisis, a struggling marriage, and the roles each member of a family has to take on, "The Incredibles" is Pixar's most mature film and one of their best.

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 07/20/2014

Best animated film of 2004.

Rating of

Gabe - wrote on 12/19/2012

I feel, maybe wrongly, that this was under-appreciated when it was first released in 2004. But since then, it has really become one of Pixar's 3 or 4 best films. I have liked it ever since I saw it, Thanksgiving 2004. I love the human element injected into superhero movies, Christopher Nolan's Batman films, The Watchmen...etc. I thought the whole concept of the "supers" being banned was genius. Now, 8 years later, I realize that it took that concept from The Watchmen graphic novel. And, to pass time using the newsreels as montage. A great movie, not just a great animated film, not just a great Pixar film, but a great film!

Full Movie Reviews

Su Zany
Su Zany

Rating of

Realism In Animation

Su Zany - wrote on 11/16/2013

I don't usually like animated movies. Thank goodness Pixar came along while my children were children. The Incredibles, while underwhelming initially, still has me captivated when I think about it, so I have had to up its rating. I love how the real is exaggerated - as in Mom's are supposed to be elastic and flexible - just like the Mom in The Incredibles. All of the characters have this 'supe'r stereotype. Younger children have much energy and are always running some place. Teenage girls are always trying to disappear. Fathers are supposed to be strong and saviors. The funniest interaction in this movie - and you must watch the whole movie to get the impact of the smaller 'outtakes' - is the relationship between Jack-Jack (the baby) and the babysitter (Kari).

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

Rating of

The Incredibles review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 04/27/2012

A classic movie may not be enjoyed by everyone, but appeals to a number that makes it amazing for repeat viewings. This reviewer has seen this film more than twice and it never fails to entertain. Bob and Helen together with their kids Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack have special powers. Mirage asks Bob to do a mission which eventually he becomes accustomed to. Some wonderful lines: Mr. Incredible - "Sometimes, I think I just like the simple life, you know, relax a little and raise a family." Elastigirl - "Your identity is your most precious possession. Protect it." Mirage - "Valuing life is not a weakness. And disregarding it is not strength." Edna - "I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now."

Voice actors did a splendid job to make the characters alive and …

Movie God

Rating of

"The Incredibles" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 02/26/2012

When superheroes are outlawed by a government sick of lawsuits and compensation claims, Mr. Incredible finds himself stuck in an dreary insurance job pining for the good old days. Expecting The Incredibles to be a witty, satirical parody of the superhero genre I was slightly disappointed to find it a more an affectionate homage than anything else. The best sequences are definitely the ones showing Mr. Incredible's frustration with his dead end job, but at the end of the day, this is a kids film so I was probably just expecting too much. It has that plasticky quality that CGI films always have, but it has some nice Gerry Anderson/James Bond themed images and the usual mix of references and in-jokes that are common to this type of thing; the Return Of The Jedi chase sequence probably being …

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