Bone Tomahawk Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 3322

Average Rating: 2.8/4

# of Ratings: 27

Theatrical Release Date: 10/23/2015

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 12/29/2015

Language: English

Genre: Horror, Western

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: S. Craig Zahler

Actors: Kurt Russell, Richard Jenkins, Patrick Wilson, Matthew Fox, Lili Simmons, David Arquette

Plot: A murderous thief and his partner disturb the burial mound of a
cannibalistic, cave-dwelling tribe of Native Americans and manage to bring
the torment to a small western town. When several people go missing, the
sheriff rounds up what posse he can in order to mount a rescue mission
before it's too late. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 11/11/2024

Considering the mash-up of horror and western genres is quite limited, this offering from S. Craig Zahler gets the job done with a fun cast: Kurt Russell, Richard Jenkins, Patrick Wilson, Matthew Fox and Lili Simmons doing the heavy lifting. While quite a bit of the film is build-up, it doesn't skimp on the horror when it finally reaches that point. Though it isn't exactly a masterpiece, it's still an interesting watch.

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 09/03/2017

That Escalated Quickly: The Movie©

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 01/10/2016

A disappointment considering the awesome cast and initial conceit of adding a horror element to the classic western setting. We spend a vast majority of this slow paced endeavor listening to some average dialogue from dense characters at odds with each other, as they forcibly band together in a long trek. The ending finally introduces these weird unexplained killer cannibals and it becomes a dumb gore-fest. The actors and the gore were entertaining enough, but the whole movie was pretty underwhelming.

Full Movie Reviews

Rating of

Blutrünstige Bösewichter - wrote on 03/07/2016

S. Craig Zahlers Debüt ist ein Genre-Zwitter, der als überraschend kräftiger Western von klassischer Machart beginnt und irgendwann den Sprung zum Horror wagt. Wir sehen eine Gruppe von Reisenden auf einer Mission (so wie wir es aus den grossen Vorbildern der 40er und 50er kennen) - und ich wundere mich, weshalb Bone Tomahawk trotz der Besetzung mit Kurt Russell nie den Sprung ins Kino schaffte? Wie in so vielen Western hängt in Bone Tomahawk alles von einer schwerwiegenden Entscheidung ab: Die erste dieser Art muss im Saloon getroffen werden, nachdem Sheriff Franklin Hunt (Russell) einen Wanderer namens Buddy (David Arquette) anschiesst. Buddy wirkt verdächtig. Soll man ihn einfach verscharren oder Hilfe holen? Es wird entschieden, die Ärztin Samantha O’Dwyer (Lili Simmons) zu …

Movie God

Rating of

Let's play Cowboys and Cavemen!

Indyfreak - wrote on 02/07/2016

It cannot be denied that Bone Tomahawk is a unique type of western. It's more focused on dialogue and atmosphere than action which will likely put off a lot of people that otherwise enjoy westerns, especially due to the film's very slow pace. This story could have easily been filmed under two hours but instead it's about 90 minutes into the plot we actually get a good look at the villainous troglodytes our heroes are after. Yes there's trogs in this movie.
But the movie looks like it's actually taking place in the old west instead of a Hollywood backlot. And if there is one thing that saves this movie is the acting and how the characters work off one another. The dialogue is surprisingly humorous and droll most of the time. Kurt Russell is as reliable of a leading man as ever. Patrick …

Stoney McStonerson
Stoney McStonerson
Movie God

Rating of

Feel like I got Boned

Stoney McStonerson - wrote on 10/24/2015

I went into Bone Tomahawk hoping for a fun genre bending Western/Horror hybrid. Unfortunately what we get is a muddled non-thrilling mess of a movie. I'm a huge fan of the Western and Horror Genres. They have not often meshed in the past and this is no different. It has the feel of the much better Ron Howard film THE MISSING but doesn't deliver the emotional and mystical punch that the earlier film did. Kurt Russell is fine doing "Kurt Russell" and Patrick Wilson does the best he can with what little he has. RIchard Jenkins delivers most of the comic relief and moral compass of the film and is the only actor who is memorable. Matthew Fox is horribly miscast. The direction seems amateurish and writing seems to go no where. Some dialogue seems to be unintentionally funny. Some …

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