Movie Information
Overall Rank: 8744
Average Rating: 2.4/4
# of Ratings: 67
Theatrical Release Date: 08/17/1990
Language: English
Genre: Horror, Thriller
MPAA Rating: R
Director: William Peter Blatty
Actors: George C. Scott, Ed Flanders, Brad Dourif, Jason Miller, Nicol Williamson, Scott Wilson
Plot: "The Gemini Killer" is a brutal serial killer. And, even though he's been dead for fifteen years, he manages to keep on killing people by possessing the body of someone who is living. -- sapien
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Unknown - wrote on 02/13/2012
Not an outright scary horror film, but one that has an underlying fear and growth in tension. It's presented as a murder mystery and unfolds at the pace of a novel. The strange evil images and religious symbols are used sparingly and effectively. If you don't mind slower dialogue heavy films, then I recommend you check out this underrated horror sequel.
Rating of
sapien - wrote on 02/08/2011
The best scene is where it shows all the blood that the murderer neatly placed in cups. It's pretty creepy!
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
The Exorcist III - Movie Review
Matthew Brady - wrote on 10/24/2016
The Exorcist III isn't nearly as brilliant as the first movie, but compare it to the sequel, it's a masterpiece. This is what I call sluggish film that you'll need a lot of patience to get to the good stuff. Well, the whole movie is kind of like that. Every time I think something is going to progress with the story it jumps right back. Luckily it doesn't do that too often and it's only for build up (i guess).
But it's not to say that "The Exorcist III" doesn't have it's scary parts, because it really dose. There's moments that are so eerie and quite shocking that the movie quickly cuts away to next scene so you don't even have a reaction or a thought of what you just seen. The movie takes a few minutes of silence as the scene plays on and then BOOM! And this actually did get to me. A …
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