Ted 2 Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 8417

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 41

Theatrical Release Date: 06/26/2015

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 12/15/2015

Language: English

Genre: Comedy

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Seth MacFarlane

Actors: Seth MacFarlane, Mark Wahlberg, Amanda Seyfried, Morgan Freeman, Jessica Barth, Patrick Warburton

Plot: Ted and Tami-Lynn are married and the next step is having a baby but Ted can't be legally regarded as a parent unless he can prove his is "human" in a court of law. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Chris d - wrote on 12/16/2015

some people today just kill me this was a pretty sweet little movie had a ton of fun watching it laughed out loud numerous times loved the story of true friendship between these two yet people still trash this movie as e the funny and sweet as it was i really dont get people they wanted clever it was clever they wanted heart i felt alot of heart in this movie they wanted humor i loved the jokes here i say ignore the critics and see this movie with your date or just good buddy dosent really matter who goes with u just grab a friend and go see it today

Rating of

chrisman26 - wrote on 11/25/2015

this movie for some reason keeps getting terrible reviews i have yet to figure out why the movie i watched was a sweet little adult comedy about a guy and his best friend had a bast watching it too if u are looking for a good hearted adult comedy this fits the bill no kids but for aduts see this movie

Rating of

Cavernstones - wrote on 07/12/2015

Not much to say about this second film from Seth MacFarlane about the come-to-life teddy bear Ted other than if you like crude humor you'll enjoy it. Not nearly as enjoyable as the first, this feels like a Muppet Movie ripoff with foul language thrown in. There a LOT of cameo appearances, which is probably the best part of the whole movie, so keep your eyes out.

Full Movie Reviews

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

Rating of

Low-Brow Humor with Killer Cameos

Chris Kavan - wrote on 12/31/2015

If you liked the original Ted, chances are you will also enjoy Ted 2. It's more of the same - if you know about the type of humor Seth MacFarlane uses, it's pretty much on par with his other films. Granted, I think he took an easy path - most of the humor is either A) about pot B) recycled from Family Guy or C) bagging on race/gay issues. I found it fell a bit flat at times, but was made up for by some killer cameos and an absolutely terrific showdown set at Comic Con.

Ted 2 finds Ted (voiced by MacFarlane) marrying the "love of his life" Tami Lynn (Jessica Barth) while his Thunder Buddy for life, John (Mark Wahlberg) is trying to get over his divorce (sadly Mila Kunis didn't come back for the sequel). But the marriage soon sours, as bills pile up and things get heated. But what can …

Kalpesh Prajapati
Kalpesh Prajapati
Movie Star

Rating of

Ted 2 - Rating 3.5 out of 4

Kalpesh Prajapati - wrote on 07/23/2015

for more reviews visit www.KalpeshPrajapati.com

Ted is back with his filthy mouth and cute face. And this time he is better than before. Yes this installment is better than the original.

This time the focus is completely on Ted and his life. The one-liners are excellent and the jokes are cruelly hilarious. The cameos by Jay Leno, Liam Neeson are brilliantly done and placement in the movie is well thought.

Ted’ s life is outstandingly shown. It starts with a lovely scene of Ted marrying his sweetheart Tami-Lynn and soon the reality strikes. Ted is on the verge of breakup so both decide to have a baby. So for obvious reasons they go for artificial insemination. What follows next is roller-coaster ride of cruel jokes, insults and abuses which are which are mind-blowingly hilarious.

Matthew Brady
Matthew Brady
Movie God

Rating of

Squeal bait

Matthew Brady - wrote on 06/30/2015

Thunder buddies for life.

The story is about Ted and Tami-Lynn are married and the next step is having a baby but Ted can't be legally regarded as a parent unless he can prove his is "human" in a court of law.

Now looking back on the first Ted movie I got say I changed my mind on it a bit and what I mean is that it wasn't as great as I remembered it to be, but I still think it's decent enough to give it a pass as a comedy and a film. But then I heard news about a squeal in the works and then I heard that Amanda Seyfried, Morgan Freeman and Liam Neeson was in the film and that alone give me a little interest in the movie just by that movie news. I wasn't jumping for excitement for this movie as I the movie didn't look anything special, just squeal bait.

Now after seeing Ted 2 …

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