Closer Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 2962

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 202

Theatrical Release Date: 12/03/2004

Language: English

Genre: Drama, Romance

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Mike Nichols

Actors: Jude Law, Clive Owen, Julia Roberts, Natalie Portman, Nick Hobbs, Colin Stinton

Plot: As the relationship of two couples interweave because one man meets the women of the other couple. A series of decietful, lying , and cheating goes on in which case they all could come out winners or all come out losers.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

mitchellyoung - wrote on 05/23/2012

This is a raw and involved look at love and lust through examining intersecting adult relationships. The cast is splendid - especially Natalie Portman, who gives a broken and vulnerable performance - and that elevates the material a lot. Occasionally, the film is messy and unfocused, but when its scenes work, they cut deep.

Rating of

Bri - wrote on 11/28/2010

Is this a comdey or just an absurd script? Let's just say this film has the dubious honor of having several melodramatic and lol lines of dialogue ('he tastes like you, only sweeter', etc) be put into Fall Out Boy songs. Everyone gives impressive performances in terms of being in character, but that just means they seem ridiculous because these characters are laughable. It's not sexy and it's not emotionall wrenching, but it IS a hilarious drinking game.

Rating of

Judge - wrote on 05/10/2010

Boring and the script sucks.

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

"Closer" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 01/25/2012

Mike Nichols directs a well observed and witty study of relationships based on the love quadrangle between two couples. Far from the usual sentimental drivel you'd expect from Hollywood style films about "romance", this movie which although can seem a little overly self conscious in places, does have the kind of brutal honesty that superficially seems the antithesis. These lovers are in turns selfish, manipulative, spiteful and pathetic; just like real people. Jude Law is the perfect choice for playing a smug, self-involved asshole, Owen treads the fine line between likability and self righteous nastiness as does Portman's beautiful but emotionally needy bimbo. And Julia Roberts is inevitably Julia Roberts. At the end of the day you're still just watching a bunch of pretentious, …


Rating of

Closer (2004)

MovieAddict - wrote on 01/23/2012

I guess many people wouldn’t like this movie because of its sexual explicitness and the disturbing lack of romance by those engaged in such interludes but I thought it was a very true, down to earth and gritty take on reality. The current state of your love life may determine your eventual perception. Regardless, I hope you find both this review and the movie a worthwhile event. This is not your typical romantic movie and some of the dialogue is very crude. So be warned!!

Closer is an uncompromising look at that great big messy thing we call love and tells a story of betrayal, attraction and sex. The cast is amazing and the characters are shockingly deceptive and manipulative. I don't like Julia Roberts that much except for Pretty Woman and Sleeping with the Enemy, but she gets her …

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

Rating of

Closer review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 07/30/2011

A romantic drama about cheating and relationships. The stellar cast include Julia Roberts (Anna Cameron), Jude Law (Dan Woolf), Natalie Portman (Alice Ayres/Jane Jones) and Clive Owen (Larry Gray). The story of this film is deep, yet its screenplay lacks depth. Natalie Portman is miscast in this role as a stripper. I felt Scarlet Johansson (He’s Just That Not Into You) or Jessica Alba (Sin City) could have played the role. The pacing of the film is slow, the characters were not that endearing and the direction was just off. It had some solid performances and nice lines; however it wasn’t proficient as a whole. You never felt sympathetic with the characters and it felt unromantic. I would rather watch Unfaithful Wife or Basic Instinct; those really had an impact with excellent …

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