Seven Pounds Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 1656

Average Rating: 2.9/4

# of Ratings: 209

Theatrical Release Date: 12/19/2008

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 03/31/2009

Language: English

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Gabriele Muccino

Actors: Will Smith, Woody Harrelson, Rosario Dawson, Madison Pettis, Barry Pepper, Sarah Jane Morris

Plot: An IRS agent with a secret sets in motion a plan to change the lives of seven strangers. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Stina - wrote on 01/17/2012

I don't believe this movie was given enough credit and I do believe it deserves more than the 2.81(+) stars it received. It is not only inspirational but bittersweet. Will Smith did an incredible job (like always).

Rating of

dukeakasmudge - wrote on 10/17/2011

I actually got a headache from watching this movie

Rating of

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 08/22/2011

Why is it seven pounds? After viewing the film, you think why people are intertwined in some arcane way. You will also think about your mortality, reasons for things and the relationships we have. There were a few dragging scenes, still the premise was enticing, score was suited and cinematography was decent. Will Smith's performance was solid and believable. If only better character development was used as to not confuse the viewers. The twist in the end is tragic yet fitting, but it made actual sense why the title stuck. The DVD cover also gives a hint with regards to the tragically beautiful picture.

Full Movie Reviews


Rating of

Odd, Yet Maybe Amazing?

Freddie - wrote on 11/28/2009

Will Smith is an incredible multi-talented actor. He had the ability to transform any role into something amazing. With that being said, I much prefer seeing him in the big blockbusters. As far the film itself, it has the ability to be great, but falls short because there are some major things that are left unexplained. It was hard to find the connection between Smith and the other characters. Also, the lie he told everyone throughout the film remained unexplained as well. The movie has a tendency to get boring at times, but its manageable to sit through to the end, especially if you are looking to make sense of some of the confusion that goes on for a good hour and a half. Overall, this isn't the worst film I've seen. I wouldn't recommend it, but I wouldn't tell anyone not to watch it …

movie man69
movie man69
Rising Star

Rating of

Seven Pounds worth every penny!

movie man69 - wrote on 01/25/2009

This film was the best I have ever seen Will Smith in. I am disappointed that Will Smith isn't in the nominations for an Oscar.

This film is a masterpiece in cinema, with the same director and production team as Pursuit of happiness Will Smith is breath taking, the plot was genius and the casting perfect.

when I go to the cinema I always crave for a gripping opening sequence and that's what I got with this film. I am very cynical when it comes to actors performances, but the chemistry between Will Smith and Rosairo Dawson spilled from the screen into the audience of the theater I felt a connection with the characters and If you don't shed a tear at this film your a corpse. I looked around after the film had finished and saw 15 stone plus men wiping their eyes with a soggy …


Rating of

The saddest thing is

BryanFury - wrote on 12/21/2008

Let me just start off by saying this movie is unexpectedly brilliant. I was definitely enthralled by Will Smith’s performance and in my opinion he was undoubtedly at his best. His acting is just so real you kind of become so emotionally attached to his character. I can definitely see an Oscar nod in the near future for how amazingly beautiful this movie has become because of him. Also worth mentioning the chemistry between Will and Rosario, it’s like they have this unspoken connection mere words can't describe it. The supporting cast also performed exceptionally well, specially a blind Woody Harrelson. What I didn't worked for me on the other hand was when I’m about 30 minutes into it I still am wondering what the heck is going on. Maybe it’s because the style of filming is in …

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Movie God

Alex - wrote on 2008-12-21 18:58

Looks like this movie is better than what critics say (so far).  I may have to add it to my rental list.

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