Wages of Fear, The ( salaire de la peur, Le ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 442

Average Rating: 3.2/4

# of Ratings: 67

Theatrical Release Date: 09/11/1953

Language: French

Genre: Thriller, Adventure

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Henri-Georges Clouzot

Actors: Yves Montand, Charles Vanel, Peter van Eyck, Jo Dest, Folco Lulli, William Tubbs

Plot: In need of Nitroglycerin a group of brave men try to transport it without the proper safety equipment.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

SIngli6 - wrote on 11/08/2012

To make a story that is tense, entertaining, funny, and thrilling is the sign of an accomplished craftsman, but to make that story all of those things whilst still honouring the foundation of tragedy and nihilism that inherently exists in the premise? That, dear readers, is as stark and inspiring as genius gets. I recommend the recently released extended version over the original American print as it gives you more insight into the minds of the main characters.

Rating of

mitchellyoung - wrote on 07/05/2011

Inventive and powerful film. The first half sets up characters and setting through a string of intricate sequences and the last half is pure, unadulterated tension. One of the greatest.

Rating of

GJ81 - wrote on 03/21/2009

An early film example of 'High Concept'. The film doesn't jump straight into its most powerful scenes. Instead for the first hour, you get nothing but character building which could potentially put off some viewers. But for the later scenes to work, getting to know these people and what stakes are involved, is absolutely vital. When everything kicks off though, it is an intense piece of cinema.

Full Movie Reviews

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

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The Wages of Fear review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 06/13/2013

A story that centers on Frenchmen Mario and Jo, Dutch Bimba and Italian Luigi. They are part of Southern Oil Company (SOC) and their job is considered too dangerous for the unionized SOC employees since the poor working conditions and the nature of nitroglycerin is imminent. Mario is accompanied by a hefty nervous Jo. The artists did a good job in portraying their roles and score was beautiful. Direction was faboulous since it felt the realism of the picture. The pace and plot however were not as impressive. Main strength of the film is the screenplay with loads of subliminal messages from the following lines: "Better safe than sorry." "That's life." "It's terrible to rot alive." "You don't know what fear is. But you'll see. It's catching, it's catching like small pox! And once you …

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