Movie Information
Overall Rank: 6385
Average Rating: 2.5/4
# of Ratings: 247
Theatrical Release Date: 10/28/2005
Language: English
Genre: Horror, Thriller
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Darren Lynn Bousman
Actors: Donnie Wahlberg, Tobin Bell, Shawnee Smith, Erik Knudsen, Glenn Plummer, Franky G
Plot: Jigsaw has been tracked down, but he has the son of the lead police officer locked in a house with a select group of people and he won't let them out unless the cop plays his game.
Quick Movie Reviews
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Roberto DaCritic - wrote on 05/11/2020
This is my favorite Saw film. It's so simple and easy to follow, the characters are interesting, and this plot was nice and fun.
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Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/10/2019
There was a time when "Saw" sequels were as ambitious psychologically as they were creative with torture devices. "Saw II" was one of those times.
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Matthew Brady - wrote on 01/17/2014
The story is about Jigsaw has been tracked down, but he has the son of the lead police officer locked in a house with a select group of people and he won't let them out unless the cop plays his game. This movie is not as good as the first film was but the movie still has that chilling and sickly feel to the movie.
Full Movie Reviews
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Saw II review
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 01/02/2012
Michael, a police informant, is trapped in a venus flytrap like device while the key is in his eye planted by Jigsaw. Detective Eric Matthews (Donnie Wahlberg) investigates Michael’s death. He goes with the SWAT team led by Officer Rigg (Lyriq Bent) and Detective Kerry (Dina Meyer) to capture Jigsaw (Tobin Bell). Amanda (Shawnee Smith) was likewise captured by Jigsaw along with the son of Michael.
Screenplay was decent with a few nice lines: Jigsaw – “Salvation if you earn it.” “You savor everything…” Amanda – “By creating a legacy, by living a life worth remembering, you become immortal.” Nothing scary about this film despite the haunting background music and gore involved. Using numbers on the bodies was brainy. Some of the deaths are laughable because …
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No Substance
Franz Patrick - wrote on 10/04/2008
I decided to rewatch this movie hoping that I would like it more than the first time but I didn’t. In fact, I found it even more tiresome this time around. Sure, the gore and the interesting ways of torturing people are still present but story-wise, it’s full of plot holes. Not to mention that this film is teeming with detestable characters so I thought they deserved to be in the movie to be tortured for the audiences’ amusement. The soundtrack is annoying, the script is contrived, even the lighting and camerawork aren’t that great either. The only reason why I’m not giving this a one star out of four is that I thought the needles scene was absolutely brilliant. It definitely made me want to look away from the screen because it was so horrific to watch… but even worse when it …
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chiggles - wrote on 05/31/2008
When detective Eric Matthews (Donnie Wahlberg) is called to a crime scene of a victim of Jigsaw (Tobin Bell), he finds a lead to the place where he is hidden. Once there, he realizes that Jigsaw trapped his son Daniel Matthews (Erik Knudsen) with three women and four men in a shelter, and they are inhaling a lethal nerve gas. If they do not use an antidote within two hours, they will die. Eric follows with increasing desperation the death of each member of the group in monitors, while trying to convince Jigsaw to release his son.
I must say right off the bat that Saw II is probably one of the only horror film sequels that I have ever anticipated to be good. Since Saw now has such a huge fan base and all, I was not to surprised to find out about this sequel coming as quick as it did. …
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