The Punisher Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 7664

Average Rating: 2.4/4

# of Ratings: 172

Theatrical Release Date: 04/16/2004

Language: English

Genre: Action, Crime

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Jonathan Hensleigh

Actors: Thomas Jane, John Travolta, Will Patton, Rebecca Romijn, Eddie Jemison, Ben Foster

Plot: Frank Castle's, Special Agent, family is gunned down. He hunts down and kill everyone involved. -- Josh C

Quick Movie Reviews

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Matthew Brady - wrote on 09/27/2013

Revenge is nice served cold

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 01/09/2012

As far as super hero movies go, this is not one of the better ones. Then again, The Punisher is kind of a strange character to make a movie about - an ultra-violent, anti-hero sounds good on paper, but on the screen fails to deliver.

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dukeakasmudge - wrote on 09/23/2011

Im A BIG fan of the Punisher comics but the director butchered the movie right from the beginning by NOT sticking to the way Punishers family was killed in the comic version & the rest of the movie was average.Hopefully another director will come along & get it done.2X & they still couldnt get it right

Full Movie Reviews


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A True Punishment to Watch

Ian - wrote on 09/16/2015

I knew it would be hard to top Dolph Lundgren's soulless machine performance in the 1989 Punisher, but this movie doesn't even try. It is not the Punisher. It is like a kind-of cop revenge story. The villain is laughably non threatening. Everything that the comics strived to instill is missing. This is like Fox News adaptation of the Punisher. It is somehow almost cheerful, merciful, light hearted, Frank is suddenly an alcoholic (yea... that would go great with his mission), just every single scene is finger in eye socket painfully bad and off the mark. The end part with the flaming skull was just incredibly stupid. The family murder thing was horribly botched. I can't think of one thing this movie got right. A true abomination. In fact this is a good test to see if someone has bad taste …

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

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The Punisher review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 03/08/2012

It was fascinating how Frank Castle (Thomas Jane) survives the shots he received and how he didn’t bleed to death at the beach. “Don’t let your memories kill you.” “I’m thankful to be alive this year.” “Good memories can save your life.” these are one of the lines that really made the central figure. Loads of guns, bullets, violence and explosion that was dreary. Even the humor here was forced coupled with flat characters. Screenplay and pace was boring. Everything seemed to move in slow motion, even the pace of the story. Stunts and soundtrack was descent, though everything could have been better. A time when superhero from a comic book was not the fad, The Punisher is a prime example of how not to adapt from book to the silver screen.

Movie God

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"The Punisher" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 01/26/2012

Undercover agent Frank Castle's sting operation causes the death of a crime kingpin's son who promptly has his entire family murdered in retribution, causing him to become a heavily armed vigilante sworn to vengeance. I never read The Punisher comics, mainly because I didn't really find the idea of a character who was just another meat head with a gun who had no powers or mystical back story very interesting. And if that is in fact an accurate description of the character, then the film has done a very good job of adapting it. In fact I don't really understand who this film is supposed to be aimed at; the attempts at humour that mainly involve the wacky nerds who live next door are childish and peurile, but the 18 certificate and grim violence mean that children are (supposedly) not the …

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