Men in Black Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 993

Average Rating: 2.8/4

# of Ratings: 752

Theatrical Release Date: 07/02/1997

Language: English

Genre: Action, Sci-Fi

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Barry Sonnenfeld

Actors: Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, Linda Fiorentino, Rip Torn, Vincent D'Onofrio, Tony Shalhoub

Plot: A street-wise cop finds himself recruited into the Men in Black - a secret organization that keeps tabs on all the aliens living on Earth.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/21/2019

Taking the long list of buddy cop and cheesy alien movie tropes and turning them on their heads, "Men in Black" is a wacky bit of sci-fi spoofery.

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 01/10/2014

Okay this movie is good with a great cast and Tommy lee Jones and Will smith worked well in this movie.

Rating of

Yojimbo - wrote on 09/24/2012

A one joke movie that works because of the strength of the premise and chemistry between TLJ and Will Smith. Some great sight gags too.

Full Movie Reviews

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

Rating of

Men in Black review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 10/03/2012

Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) is a member of the Men in Black (MIB) recruits and James Darrell Edwards III (Will Smith). This critic recalls enjoying this in theaters, a rare buddy flick about protecting earth from aliens. The special effects, soundtrack and humor was really good compared to the two that followed. Screenplay was wonderful with lines: Agent K - "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it." and Agent J - "My attitude is: don't start nothing, won't be nothing!" The two leads had onscreen chemistry, which makes the film believable especially with the comical moments. Men in Black delivers the laughs while proving that people can sometimes be other than humans in terms of attitude, and that Earth is worth saving.


Rating of

Men in Black (1997)

MovieAddict - wrote on 01/20/2012

Men in Black has something most movies don't, and that's style. This movie is just oozing with style. First of all, yes, aliens are trying to destroy the Earth. The difference here is that it's not a bunch of earthlings coming together in a time of need to defend the planet from unknown life-forms. Here, aliens live among us (Steven Spielberg, Danny DeVito, Sylvester Stallone, New York weatherman Al Roker, and Dennis Rodman to name a few).

Tommy Lee Jones plays the upright Agent Kay who is a seasoned veteran of the top secret government agency that monitors and controls all activities of extraterrestrial life secretly living among our society. They keep track of the aliens and help them to blend in among us humans in exchange for alien technology. One of the funniest scenes is the …

The M.O.W.
The M.O.W.

Rating of

Excellent movie the entire movie can enjoy

The M.O.W. - wrote on 08/01/2008

Based on the comic book series of the same name, "Men In Black" is a fun and entertaining movie with lots of comedic bits that will make all ages laugh.

Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith portray Men In Black agents known only as "J" (Smith), a former NY City police officer, and the veteran Man In Black, "K" (Jones).

"K" recruits "J" for service with the ultra-secret organization that works above the law and government that police extra-terristrial activity on Earth after "J" easily runs down an agile alien who was being chased by him and obviously out of shape NYPD officers.

Just outside New York City, a ship crashes, and the alien takes the form of the wife abusing farmer.

"J" and "K" are ordered to investigate the crash and learn that the alien is a highly dangerous …

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