Ghost in the Shell ( Kôkaku kidôtai ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 743

Average Rating: 3/4

# of Ratings: 219

Theatrical Release Date: 04/05/1996

Language: Japanese

Genre: Anime, Action

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Mamoru Oshii

Actors: Mimi Woods, Richard Epcar (as George Richard), William Knight (as William Frederick), Tom Wyner (as Abe Lasser), Phil Williams, Christopher Joyce

Plot: In the year 2029 the world has become completely information oriented and the world's worst criminals are hackers. Section 9 is formed is formed to combat these criminals, made up of cyborgs with the ability to access any network. When a rogue virtual agent, The Puppet Master, is released it must be destroyed before it gets out into the real world.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/17/2019

"Ghost in the Shell" is less polished, less cinematic, and less expressive than the anime features that come from the likes of Studio Ghibli, but it's nothing short of an exciting mash-up of detective thriller and artificial intelligence science fiction.

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 06/01/2018

The original GiTS is beloved for its then cutting edge mixture of traditional animation and CG effects. Plus it threw in philosophical technobabble in between the action scenes so people thought it was intelligent too. The world that is realized both in the anime film and the original manga looks believable and unique. Not much for character development though if that's what you're looking for. Did I mention there's several moments featuring a bare naked female cyborg? Maybe that's why nerds like it so much.

Rating of

mitchellyoung - wrote on 09/09/2011

The dystopian setting is certainly fascinating, visually, and the film has many arresting animated sequences. My chief problem lies in the amount of exposition that occurs in the dialogue. In nearly every scene, characters stand around, talking and explaining things. I get that the plot is complex, but, still - it gets boring after a while.

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

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"Ghost In The Shell" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 02/02/2012

In a future state where cyborgs are commonplace and everyone has computerized brain augmentations containing their psyches (or "ghosts"), a team of investigators chase a cyber-criminal who hacks the minds of others to do his bidding. One of the cornerstones of Manga and Anime, Ghost In The Shell has obviously influenced a lot of Hollywood sci-fi, and this film has in turn been influenced by them in return. Coming across as a hotch potch of ideas from The Matrix, Blade Runner and Robocop, this animated film has a lot to commend it visually, with excellent animation, inventive visual effects and the backgrounds in particular are beautifully rendered. Unfortunately the director was obviously also in awe of these creations and spends far too much time lingering on them while nothing happens …

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

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After 25 Years - The Impact is Stronger Than Ever

Chris Kavan - wrote on 08/02/2007

It's hard to imagine a film dealing with issues relating to technology, politics and even the nature of the soul could be as relevant as when it was released as it is today. But after having viewed the 25th Anniversary Edition of Ghost in the Shell I can wholeheartedly say it has more than withstood the test of time - it has probably even gotten better with age.

As the booklet it was packed with informs me, Ghost in the Shell was released the same year as Pixar's Toy Story. This could be considered the fledgling age of CGI in film. Ghost in the Shell uses it in a much more nuanced way - mixing traditional animation in with the computer-enhanced effects. And the Blu-Ray transfer looks amazing. But while the visuals help with the overall effort, it's really the story and the way it …

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