Movie Information
Overall Rank: 21296
Average Rating: 2/4
# of Ratings: 60
Theatrical Release Date: 03/22/1985
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 06/16/2009
Language: English
Genre: Horror, Mystery
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Danny Steinmann
Actors: Anthony Barrile, Dominick Brascia, Todd Bryant, Corey Feldman, Miguel A. Núñez Jr., Curtis Conaway
Plot: Problemed children from a group home are being killed one by one. One of the residents killed Jason Vorhees when he was younger, but he is still troubled and worries that Jason may return. Has he or who is this mysterious killer wearing a hockey mask? -- CJP
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
SIngli6 - wrote on 12/20/2021
I really liked the gay greaser couple and the mayor from Jaws and Reggie and his grandfather and the crazy woman with the inbred son and the fact the corpulent chocolate guy dies so early and that Tommy knows MMA despite BEING INSTITUTIONALISED FOR HIS WHOLE ADOLESCENCE and actually I think I liked this awful movie send help.
Rating of
Matthew Brady - wrote on 09/17/2013
The reason why all this started just because of a Chocolate bar. Friday the 13th part V is about a group home are being killed one by one. One of the residents killed Jason Vorhees when he was younger, but he is still troubled and worries that Jason may return. Has he or who is this mysterious killer wearing a hockey mask? You can either hate or kind of like Part V, for me this isn't good at all but I won't call it the worse I've seen. The movie is enjoyable and laughable in some parts.
Rating of
Unknown - wrote on 03/15/2011
Tries hard to stay true to the nature of the previous films and it shows. It's just passable.
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