Following Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 3538

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 74

Theatrical Release Date: 04/04/1998

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 12/11/2012

Language: English

Genre: Crime, Mystery

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Christopher Nolan

Actors: Lucy Russell, Alex Haw, Jeremy Theobald , John Nolan

Plot: A man spends his days following strangers around London. But soon his is caught by Cobb, a thief who takes him under his wing. They burble a woman's apartment - and he becomes obsessed with her, but Cobb has his own agenda. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/25/2019

Like Darren Aronofsky's "Pi," "Following" is an intriguing thriller from a first time director.

Rating of

Alex - wrote on 04/21/2013

An average movie with a unique way of telling the story. As others have stated, you can see the greatness of Chris Nolan through this film. Much like Pi, this movie is only as good as it's budget, which is very low. Nolan fans need to see it, but others should stay away .

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 12/25/2012

There is much to admire in it's twisted, time jumping narrative and pulsing music. Nolan's directorial debut shows the beginnings of a sophisticated storyteller. The story itself isn't his best, though. Worth watching for the Nolan fan.

Full Movie Reviews

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Krisselig - wrote on 03/12/2016

Our Daily Free Stream: Christopher Nolan - Follwing. Our Daily Free Stream: Christopher Nolan - Follwing. Ich habe mir den ersten Film von Christopher Nolan angesehen, die britische No-Budget Produktion Follwing und war verblüfft: In seinem Debüt steckt der Kern aller seiner Filme! In Following bemerken wir Nolans Vorliebe für eine verschachtelte Erzählstruktur mit einem Twist am Ende - in dem schliesslich alle Stücke als Ganzes erscheinen. Natürlich in einem anderen Bedeutungszusammenhang! Manchmal mag man sich wundern, wie notwendig einzelne Passagen denn letztlich für das grosse Ganze gewesen sein mögen - in jedem Fall aber tragen sie dazu bei, dass Following einfach Spass macht! Als wir die Videothek Filmkunst (bzw. heute Filmkunstbar Fitzcarraldo) vor zehn Jahren …


Rating of


worleyjamers - wrote on 06/30/2013

This film completely blew my mind. Not necessarily because of the signature Christopher Nolan twist and chronology, but because of it's unique qualities. I have never heard of a 70 minute film that packs as huge a punch as this. Drama, intensity, dialogue, action.....this film truly has it all. I really was so captivated by the film and each scene was so brilliantly executed; time did not matter. It delivered just as much as any normal 2 hour feature film. Brilliant!

The budget of this film is basically was $60,000! That's all! In fact, the crew worked only on weekends in between their normal day jobs. Also, the actors were no names. They give fantastic performances considering they have been in nothing besides this. The performances definitely could have been …


Rating of

Money Shmoney

MikeInMotion - wrote on 02/22/2012

How do you make an engrossing crime drama with just a $6,000 budget? You can’t, but Christopher Nolan can. Nolan was the director, writer, photographer, editor and producer for this film, which came out in 1998. This was his first feature film, made before anybody knew what Memento was and LONG before anybody knew what The Dark Knight was. Christopher Nolan was just getting his feet wet, but he shows here that he was a force to be reckoned with. Nolan has a fantastic imagination, one that he has used to make some magnificent films, and Following is no exception to the rule.

Following is about an unemployed writer (simply credited as The Young Man) who begins following around random strangers in the streets just to see where they go and what they do. As time passes he decides to …

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