The Evil Dead Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 560

Average Rating: 3/4

# of Ratings: 419

Theatrical Release Date: 04/15/1983

Language: English

Genre: Horror

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Sam Raimi

Actors: Bruce Campbell, Betsy Baker, Ellen Sandweiss, Hal Delrich, Theresa Tilly, Ted Raimi

Plot: Five college age friends road trip to a remote location where they are slowly swallowed by an evil presence one by one.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/06/2019

"The Evil Dead" remains a memorable horror classic with excellent production value and plenty of gore.

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 01/08/2014

A grim and gross movie with dark comedy mix with it. the story is about Five college age friends road trip to a remote location where they are slowly swallowed by an evil presence one by one. this movie is only a first time watch for me, The demons in the movie are scary and gross.

Rating of

Yojimbo - wrote on 11/24/2012

The budget limitations are obvious (the stop motion animation is particularly poor) but the ideas are here, and it's a triumph of independent film-making that it became such a success. The sequel which was a virtual remake, is much, much better though.

Full Movie Reviews

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

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The Evil Dead review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 12/19/2011

Ash, Scotty, Linda, Cheryl and Shelly spend a weekend in an empty cabin with The Book of the Dead and a recording from the said book. Cheryl (Ellen Sandweiss) gets possessed first and victimizes Linda (Betsy Baker). Shelly (Theresa Tilly) and Scotty (Richard DeManicor) soon follow and Ash (Bruce Campbell). The beginning was a good introduction to the book and its characters despite its slow pace. It picks up when one of the figures changes shapes. Had a few humorous moments but mainly thrilling sequences, spooky score and skilled editing (Joel Coen served as an assistant editor on the film) and make-up. I enjoyed the scene where the corpses decompose, camera turns bloody red, burial and overhead shot of Ash. Well presented horror touch with dark comedy. It's special effects and …

Movie Star

Rating of

The Evil Dead.

TrifibianTerror - wrote on 10/22/2010

The Evil Dead.

Having just freshly come out a home screening of The Evil Dead, I'm not too sure what to say. I mean, it wasn't a bad film, hell no, it's just not what I was expecting.
Now, I've always thought of Ash as a 110% bad-ass, á la Army of Darkness, but here he's a fairly bog-standard horror film protagonist. He has no one-liners or awesome battle scenes. But I suppose that was saved for what appears to be a remake, Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn. Fair enough.
Now, I was told by a friend who's opinion in films I trust, that The Evil Dead can be taken as either a horror or black comedy. To be perfectly honest, I found neither. If there was dark comedy, I didn't find it. I didn't chuckle or smile once. As for the horror, it was of the low budget gory kind, which simultaneously …

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