Escape from New York Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 1986

Average Rating: 2.8/4

# of Ratings: 293

Theatrical Release Date: 07/10/1981

Language: English

Genre: Action, Sci-Fi

MPAA Rating: R

Director: John Carpenter

Actors: Kurt Russell, Ernest Borgnine, Lee Van Cleef, Isaac Hayes, Donald Pleasence, Harry Dean Stanton

Plot: Takes place in 1998 as New York is in rubbles. The President crashes into
the jailed city when a crook is sent in to rescue him because he is the
only one skilled enough to do complete the job.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/17/2019

A middle-finger to authoritarianism and the political establishment in the form of one of the most standout post-apocalyptic thrillers of the 1980s decade.

Rating of

Gabe - wrote on 07/13/2015

A great action film! Snake is a great, albeit, one-dimensional character. This movie doesn't waste any time jumping right into the story. Air Force One has gone down inside the prison walls and only one man can do the job. This is the way all movies should be made, no messing around. You have to love the early-eighties soundtrack and the bad m-fer himself Isaac Hayes as The Duke.

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 06/17/2014

Good music, Good casting, Bad-ass main hero, and a good solid action flick.

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

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"Escape From New York" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 02/27/2012

An infamous mercenary is coerced into rescuing the president from a Manhattan island that has been turned into a lawless prison colony of the near future. Because of this cult action sci-fi from John Carpenter, Snake Plissken became one of the iconic action heroes of the 1980s; showing nothing but contempt for authority and hissing his lines like Dirty Harry with PMS, Kurt Russell becomes the embodiment of rebellious 80s machismo. To be honest, Carpenter's static camera work never lent itself particularly well to action, but a ridiculous yet insanely cool premise, Russell's charisma and an inspired supporting cast more than make up for the rather sluggish set pieces. The post apocalyptic representation of New York is brilliantly recreated, the whole of Manhattan eerily shrouded in …

Movie Star

Rating of

Escape from New York

tecnoandre - wrote on 12/24/2011

A genuine B product from the 80's this movie is a little sci-fi masterpiece! With B special efffects and B performances but with a spectacular plot idea, directed and scored by John Carpenter. He co-wrote the screenplay with Nick Castle. The film is set in the near future in a crime-ridden United States that has converted Manhattan Island in New York City into a maximum security prison. Ex-soldier Snake Plissken (Kurt Russell) is given 24 hours to find the President of the United States, who has been captured after the crash of Air Force One.
Carpenter wrote the film in the mid-1970s as a reaction to the Watergate scandal, but proved incapable of articulating how the film related to the scandal. After the success of Halloween, he had enough influence to get the film made and shot most …


Rating of


CJP - wrote on 10/07/2008

Action: 2/3 + Comedy: 0.5/2 + Good vs Evil: 1/1 + Love/Sex: 0/1 + Special Effects: 0.5/1 + Plot: 1/1 + Music: 1/1 = 6/10 or 60%.

Escape from New York is escapist action at a fun level. The future prediction of what the U.S. and New York will be like in 1998 automatically dates it, but when Isaac Hayes rolls up in a car ordained with chandleliers for headlights as the proclaimed President of the prisoner population one must appreciate the joys of alternate realities, which obviously can't be taken in too serious a manner.

Other joys include Russel in the lead as an uzi yielding, eye-patch adorned, the-government-and-everybody-has-wronged-me type prisoner- who not only gets to wrestle for the prisoners amusement, but must rescue the President of the U.S. and return him safely before …

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