Movie Information
Overall Rank: 1559
Average Rating: 2.9/4
# of Ratings: 73
Theatrical Release Date: 07/26/2013
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 01/21/2014
Language: English
Genre: Comedy, Drama
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Director: Woody Allen
Actors: Cate Blanchett, Sally Hawkins, Bobby Cannavale, Alec Baldwin, Peter Sarsgaard, Louis C.K.
Plot: When her ex-husband leaves her with nothing, a woman moves in with her sister in San Francisco in the hopes of putting her life back together. -- Chris Kavan
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 07/03/2019
While Cate Blanchett's performance is worthy of applause, the film is not incredibly funny, or emotionally moving like most of Allen's other efforts.
Rating of
Ian - wrote on 09/24/2015
A wandering film about the every day lives of several women. The moral of the story here seems to be clouded, or there is no clear one. One of the main characters betrays her cheating husband to the FBI and as a result loses a fortune, ending up moving in with her sister. This is a story about lifestyle, consequence and settling for what you have, regardless of how miserable or unfulfilling it is. A bleak tale with a questionable message, from one of the most questionable directors of our time.
Rating of
Rod - wrote on 04/19/2014
Cate Blanchett was indeed marvelous! Also Sally Hawkins and the rest of the cast made a good support to a powerful character, Jasmine.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
Tennessee Williams
cinegeek.de - wrote on 04/10/2016
Eine der dynamischsten Darbietungen einer tollen Schauspielerin können wir in Woody Allens Blue Jasmine erleben, wenn Cate Blanchett sich als Jasmine vor Tennessee Williams verbeugt! Eine protzig in Chanel gekleidete Upperclass Hausfrau, deren Nägel aber nicht mehr manikürt sind und deren Haaransatz bereits dunkle Wurzeln zeigt. Jasmine steht kurz vor einem Nervenzusammenbruch als sie vor der Tür ihrer Schwester Ginger (Sally Hawkins) steht. Sie bringt ihre Koffer mit, die in Gingers bescheidenem Apartment deplaziert wirken, ausserdem ihre Ressentiments und ihren Hang zu Wodka und Psychopharmaka. Sei bittet um Obdach, obwohl Gingers Kinder ihr zu laut sind und ihr Mann Chili (Bobby Cannavale) zu prollig. Jasmine akzeptiert diese Umgebung nicht, betäubt sich und führt …
Rating of
Moment you fall utterly in love with a film <3
Kathleen - wrote on 09/13/2013
Woody Allen is one of my favorite auteur directors and his latest film is one of his finest to date. This film had all the best elements of an Allen film, Humour, sarcasm, neurotic people, intelligent writing and an amazing story line.
Allen writes roles for female actors better than anyone else in Hollywood and Blanchett relishes playing the neurotic, emotionally damaged Jasmine. Cate Blanchett thoroughly deserves an Oscar for her performance as Jasmine.
Music and scenery are breathtaking and San Francisco is the perfect location for this film.
Any die hard Woody Allen fans must see this film, it won't disappoint and I left the cinema wishing I could run back in and watch it again. This will be one of my top 5 films of 2013. Allen the genius strikes gold again.
Rating of
Blanchett Breaks Down
Unknown - wrote on 08/25/2013
Woody Allen's new drama proves to be a good effort, but this is really Blanchett's movie. She carries this story with a great performance that has her character Jasmine constantly teetering on the edge of a complete meltdown. Jasmine has an off putting personality. It's hard to like, or sympathize with her, even as her mental illness grows. Yet, there is still a want to see how she is going to deal with her current life situation. I thought the lack of resolution to the story worked perfectly. The way in which Allen inserts sudden jumps into Jasmine's past works seamlessly in the editing and telling of the narrative. The supporting characters are also rounded and well acted, which makes all of the relationships fleshed out and believable. The only thing holding back 'Blue …
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