Movie Information
Overall Rank: 1400
Average Rating: 2.9/4
# of Ratings: 157
Theatrical Release Date: 11/02/2012
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 02/05/2013
Language: English
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Robert Zemeckis
Actors: Denzel Washington, Don Cheadle, Kelly Reilly, John Goodman, Melissa Leo, Bruce Greenwood
Plot: After an in-flight mechanical failure, veteran pilot Whip Whitaker is hailed as a hero after his crash landing results in nearly saving every soul on board. Yet as the fanfare dies down, the investigation into the crash reveals some startling implications. -- Chris Kavan
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/24/2019
The most disturbing film to come from Robert Zemeckis, and Denzel Washington's performance is equally as dark.
Rating of
Rod - wrote on 10/05/2014
Denzel Washington did this well. The plane crashing scene was terrific, but I think the good parts of the film ended after the plane crushed.
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Matthew Brady - wrote on 07/30/2014
I don't trust Denzel Washington driving a plane not at all. This movie really good acting and the plane crash scene in this movie was so realist.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
Excellent movie !
ikkegoemikke - wrote on 05/15/2018
Top class. An excellent film about the struggle of a person who is fighting against his addiction. The plane crash is actually not the main topic of the film. It’s only there to lure people to the cinema because it looks so spectacular. The SE department has also been able to flex its muscles. Is this the only thing that fascinates you ? Well I’m sure you’ll the rest is just too soft.
But the strength of this film is the other main topic with the admirable performance of Denzel Washington who realistically represents the archetype of an alcoholic. For people who experienced the same thing and found themselves in such a phase, there are many points that are so characteristic and recognizable. Others will call it a fake alcoholic or that it’s just a pathetic hassle about …
Rating of
Sucht - wrote on 04/12/2016
Flight beginnt mit einer der ungeheuerlichsten Flugzeug-Szenen, die ich je sah: Das Flugzeug wird durch ein Unwetter gesteuert - kopfüber! Nach diesem Auftakt folgt eine der mutigsten und qualvollsten Darbietungen Denzel Washingtons. Der Film entwickelt sich zu einer erschütternden Charakter-Studie, wobei unsere Sympathie bis zum Abspann Washingtons Figur gilt! Washington spielt Whip Whitaker, einen Piloten, der im Lauf der vergangenen Jahre eine Toleranz gegenüber Alkohol und Kokain aufgebaut hat, die für die meisten von uns tödlich enden würde. Wir erleben ihn nach einer durchzechten Nacht mit einer Flugbegleiterin Katerina und wie er sich für die Arbeit präpariert. Zwei Linien Koks und er ist bereit zu fliegen. Die Zweifel seines Co-Piloten werden einfach von den dunklen …
Rating of
"Flight" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 12/09/2015
A pilot whose skill saved the lives of most of his passengers when his airliner is forced into a crash landing finds himself facing prison if his alcoholism is discovered by a board of inquiry. Another strong performance by Denzel bolsters a character driven drama about a decent man coping with the self destruction and self deceit of addiction. Some admirably unsentimental direction by Robert Zemeckis and a restrained performance from its star prevents the story from descending into domestic soap opera and the crash sequence is absolutely gripping; in fact this compromises the film somewhat as everything that follows seems like a comparative anticlimax. Although perhaps a little too long and a little too predictable, Flight is still a well acted, solid and worthy story with enough …
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