Thirst ( Bakjwi ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 1629

Average Rating: 2.9/4

# of Ratings: 52

Theatrical Release Date: 07/31/2009

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 11/17/2009

Language: Korean

Genre: Drama, Horror

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Chan-wook Park

Actors: Eriq Ebouaney, Kang-ho Song, Mercedes Cabral, Ok-bin Kim, Ha-kyun Shin, Dal-su Oh

Plot: A priest takes part in a medicinal experiment with the purpose of creating a vaccine to a deadly virus, but something goes wrong and the priest becomes a vampire. Now the battle for his soul begins as he is torn between beeing a priest and the temptations of the night. -- Tjommi

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 08/11/2014

This movie makes Twilight look weak. The movie is about a priest whose life takes a turn for the worst after he participates in a medical experiment to find a cure for a deadly disease. Am really not a fan on vampires movies. some times I find a good vampire movies, but most of the time I find really bad ones like twilight and Dracula 2000. Until a found this movie on a film channel at 2 o'clock in the morning, and that movie is thirst. I really liked the tone of this movie and the way it was shot.

Rating of

Alaine - wrote on 12/16/2011

So it starts out as a simple Korean priest turns vampire flick, then it gets different. Lust, ghosts, fantasies, vampire love and vampire helpers, "easy blood" and "fresh blood", betrayals, murders, resurrection, faith healing, drowning, flying, leaping, Mahjong, self-flagellation, realistic sex, strange virus, in-law abuse, a half-wit, warts, skin growths, and much more. The plot twists and re-twists and there are surprises. Some of the special effects are remarkable as they seem ordinary. Righteous ending at daybreak, too.

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 09/05/2011

Chan-wook Park is one of those directors everyone should know but not enough people recognize. Thirst is a vampire movie with, well, bite - the story and characters are phenomenal as a priest slowly loses his humanity to vampirism through no fault of his own. There is sex and violence, though nothing too over-the-top. Interesting and recommended.

Full Movie Reviews

Rating of

Katholisch - wrote on 05/30/2016

Park Chan-wook ist einer dieser Regisseure, die auf Horror-Geek Webpages geehrt werden und genauso auf dem Treppchen der Filmfestspiele in Cannes zu finden sind. Vielleicht, weil es in seinem "Horror" Film in Wahrheit um die erschreckende Seite der menschlichen Natur geht? Durst ist ein blutgetränkter Vampirfilm, in dessen Mittelpunkt überraschenderweise ein katholischer Pfarrer steht. Dieser herzensgute Mensch ist entscheidend für den Film und stirbt bereits zu Beginn an den Folgen eines medizinischen Experiments. Dass er als Vampir wieder erwacht durch die Transfusion unreinen Blutes, ist nicht seine Schuld. Sein Blut holt er sich in Zukunft aus dem Krankenhaus, nicht aus der Halsschlagader unschuldiger Opfer. Der Priester wird gespielt von dem südkoreanischen Star Song Kang-ho. …

Movie God

Rating of

"Thirst" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 01/13/2012

A priest accidentally infected with vampirism struggles with his new found earthly lusts and temptations while engaging in a love affair with an old friend's wife. Chan Wook Park indulges his fascination with the macabre with beautifully artistic visuals and a wicked streak of black humour as the vampire myth is once again deconstructed for the modern audience. Beautifully performed, particularly by Song Kang-ho as the tormented holy man in a nicely understated interpretation of a blood sucking monster who sees his condition as an unwanted curse rather than a gift. In fact technically, there is very little to be faulted here as aside perhaps from a rather slow first half, its pretty much a perfectly executed dark fantasy; the Crouching tiger style wirework of their undead acrobatics are …

Ponce DeLeon
Ponce DeLeon
Aspiring Actor

Rating of

"Thirst" Quinches It

Ponce DeLeon - wrote on 06/03/2011

I'm surprised "Thirst" doesn't get more attention. Like "Let the Right One In" it's one of the most creative and quirky of contemporary vampire films. Its combination of supernatural staples like super healing, strength, and the abillity to broad jump way far are anchored to the story of a selfless priest caught up in a fantasy he didn't create.

Director Chan-wook Park is the creative mnd behind such diverse films as "Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance" and "J.S.A. Joint Security Area (excellent film). His scenes are more character focussed in the style of Sergio Leone, than that of other Eastern directors. Anyway, the "Thirst" is a wonderfully rendered runaway horse. Park will strike obliguely at any time. The priest/saint/vampire played by Kang-ho Song is a vampire with a …

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