Movie Information
Overall Rank: 645
Average Rating: 3/4
# of Ratings: 485
Theatrical Release Date: 12/17/2004
Language: English
Genre: Drama, Biography
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Director: Martin Scorsese
Actors: Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Kate Beckinsale, Alan Alda, Alec Baldwin, John C. Reilly
Plot: The story of Howard Hughes; a Texas tycoon who is an eccentric germaphobe who has spells of genius as well as insanity.
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 07/04/2019
One of the most vivid and enthralling biopics ever made, its cast excellently captures the characters' real life personas.
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Matthew Brady - wrote on 08/08/2014
In my opinion not the best martin scoreses movie but still good.
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worleyjamers - wrote on 06/29/2013
Cate Blanchett is stunning and the cinematography is gorgeous. I strongly dislike Leonardo DiCaprio, though he's okay here; I think he's a highly overrated actor and so I find most of his performances incredibly annoying. With that in mind, I really liked him in The Aviator. This is his movie and he carries the film well. He works well with Scorsese and this film is proof of that.
Full Movie Reviews
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"The Aviator" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 10/22/2015
Martin Scorsese's biopic of Howard Hughes is very much in the category of "stranger than fiction"; it's a heady mix of glamorous movie stars, entrepreneurial obsession and cutting edge design and technology, all revolving around a man whose own struggles with mental illness prevented him from becoming a true force of nature. This is a life that was made for cinema and Scorsese makes great use of many dramas, although it is the more personal relationships that make for the film's best moments, particularly Hughes' engaging romance with Katharine Hepburn played to perfection by Oscar winning Cate Blanchett. I personally thought that the colour saturation was a gimmick that distracted rather than added to the story and the scenes of mental illness were slightly glib, making the film fizzle …
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The Aviator review
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 12/18/2011
A businessman Howard Hughes (Leonardo DiCaprio) is busy making a new movie and hires Noah Dietrich (John C. Reilly) to run the Hughes Tool Company. In Year Three, he makes sure Hell's Angel's gets made with additional sound. Mortgage Tool company is sold to keep the movie going which eventually becomes a hit. He asks Katharine Hepburn (Cate Blanchett) to play golf and purchases Transcontinental & Western Air (TWA). Other interests include Faith Domergue (Kelli Garner), then actress Ava Gardner (Kate Beckinsale). Pan American Airlines President Juan Trippe (Alec Baldwin) ensures that his airline will monopolize the market. Some good lines from Ava Gardner - "Nothing's clean, Howard. But we do our best, right?" Hughes - "I care very much about aviation."
One of the best scenes …
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Scorsese's best movie, DiCaprio's best acting
WalDemento999 - wrote on 12/19/2010
Martin Scorsese's masterpiece first aired in theaters in 2004 becoming a success critically and financially. The film was nominated for 11 Academy Awards, including Best picture, and won 5. This biographical film tells the story about millionaire Howard Hughes, the story takes place mainly from the late 1920s to the 1940s. The film shows Howard directing the 1930 war movie Hell's Angels, which is the main story for the first 50 minutes. The film also shows Hughes's obsessive compulsive disorder throughout the rest of the hour and ten minutes of film. Leonardo DiCaprio's acting is fantastic and astounding, he doesn't act like Howard Hughes, he IS Howard Hughes. the acting is great that you can actually FEEL the pain and drama that Howard has to go through. Martin Scorsese uses the camera …
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