The Crazies Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 5036

Average Rating: 2.6/4

# of Ratings: 208

Theatrical Release Date: 02/26/2010

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 06/29/2010

Language: English

Genre: Horror, Action

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Breck Eisner

Actors: Timothy Olyphant, Radha Mitchell, Danielle Panabaker, Joe Anderson, Preston Bailey, Lisa K. Wyatt

Plot: In a small town a group of people must try to survive when a contaminated water supply drives most of the people insane. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 10/20/2013

A good remake and it's a little better then the original. It has that 2004 dawn of the dead look to it.

Rating of

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 08/03/2012

David (Timothy Olyphant) and wife Judy (Radha Mitchell notice people acting bizarrely. The cinematography, effects and make-up looked authentic. Lacks better character development and an interesting clear plot. Lacks depth or even jaw dropping acting, but the cast delivers. One of the best lines: Judy Dutton - "It's gonna be all right, we're gonna be okay." A rare horror action flick that shows a bit of hope in the conclusion, The Crazies is worth the watch.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 10/02/2011

A well executed routine scare flick.

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

Brilliant start,crappy ending

ikkegoemikke - wrote on 02/23/2015

"Fuck you for what you did"

I still have the habit never to read a brief description of a film in advance, let alone I would watch the trailer. In most cases the most crucial things are being told or shown in such a way that most of the surprises are screwed up more or less. In case of a blockbuster it doesn't really matter in most cases, since the content is usually known. With movies like "The Crazies" you'll start with a complete ignorance and it can sometimes be a pleasant surprise. Based on the movie poster (which I find very intriguing though) and the genre, I was ready to be overwhelmed.

I must admit that the opening scene immediately gave me high hopes. Beautifully filmed and subtly supported by an appropriate soundtrack of Johnny Cash ("We'll Meet Again"). The first half …

Movie God

Rating of

"The Crazies" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 12/16/2011

A small town finds itself under seige from the military when its water supply is contaminated by a biological weapon that turns its inhabitants into psychopathic killers. The Crazies is a remake of a (rather bad) George Romero film from the 1970s that had a promising concept but failed in its execution. This updated version follows the formula of other Romero remakes by upgrading the visuals and production value while at the same time gutting the story of any satirical or sociological aspects leaving a competent but rather generic horror film that barely explores its underlying concepts, instead relying on by the number horror film "scares" and gore. The characters are the usual B-movie stereotypes which don't offend in any way, but at the same time make little impact on the imagination …

Rating of

Crazy crazy people

Matthew Sanchelli - wrote on 10/06/2010

When I saw the trailer, before it came out, it looked very interesting and like something somewhat different and somewhat familiar. As I watched, it slowly became something more familiar. It's like a zombie movie, but not a zombie movie. There isn't anything very 'supernatural' about it but more so a select group of people in power think they know better (when they actually don't) and things go wrong....very very wrong.

Don't get me wrong, just because the idea isn't that original, the story is still entertaining and I was paying attention the entire way. It was wonderfully cast with the likes of Timothy Olyphant, Radha Mitchell, Joe Anderson and other support roles that delivered. It has it's eerie moments mixed with predictable ones.

Nothing about the movie seemed like too …

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