Cannibal Holocaust Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 11848

Average Rating: 2.3/4

# of Ratings: 54

Theatrical Release Date: 06/19/1985

Language: Spanish

Genre: Horror, Documentary

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Ruggero Deodato

Actors: Robert Kerman, Ricardo Fuentes, Francesca Ciardi, Perry Pirkanen, Luca Barbareschi, Salvatore Basile

Plot: A professor goes to the Amazon to search for the four lost film makers. He discovers their film and finds out the truth to events leading to their deaths.

Quick Movie Reviews

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tonks76 - wrote on 08/12/2017

Pathetic excuse to film women nudity, rape scenes and killing animals. They should be prosecuted for animal cruelty.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 12/05/2011

Tough one to critic. Not sure where I stand on this one, but I do know that I found it quite gross.

Full Movie Reviews

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Rating of

Cannibal Holocaust.

TrifibianTerror - wrote on 10/26/2010

Cannibal Holocaust.

'Barbarism is the natural state of humanity'
-- Robert E. Howard

Let get one thing straight before I start. This isn't a film. It is a testament to the depacity a filmmaker will go to create sensation and thrill. It is a hideous thing, wholly devoid of any redeeming qualities.
Yet it is engrossing.
Because it simply exists.

The film first charts the exploits of a movie producer looking for the lost footage of 4 documentary filmmakers who were lost in the Amazon rainforest, presumed dead. And dead they are. Their corpses are found n the forest and their belongings either scattered through the area or taken as trinkets by the native inhabitants. When he gains their trust, the producer procures the lost cans of footage and brings them back to the …

Rating of

I wonder who the real cannibals are.

Drive-In Massacre - wrote on 05/20/2009

Cannibal Holocaust...Now, I have to give it credit for doing exactly what it intends on doing, and that is to repulse and show you something you've never seen before and the film sure as hell did both. I saw this only once a few months ago (and probably for the last time) and have rarely ,if ever, been that deeply disturbed by a film. I've seen some pretty disgusting movies in my life, but not even Faces of Death had affected me as much as CH. It would never ever be on a favorite movies list of mine, nor would I consider it a "great" film, but out of all the movies I've seen since them almost none of them have stuck with me as long as CH. There were multiple times were I had to look away from the screen. I had even gotten to the point were I was considering turning it off and being done …

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

Rating of

Hard to Stomach, Harder to Judge

Chris Kavan - wrote on 10/06/2008

This is one of the classic underground cult films that for a long time could only be seen under certain (perhaps illegal) circumstances. Banned or heavily edited, Cannibal Holocaust is one of the movies that is whispered about in dark basements or chatrooms - one of those "I can't believe they would do this" kind of thing.

With high hopes of being shocked and awed by the spectacal of such depravity and immorallity, I found a copy just sitting at Best Buy. I felt like hiding it under my coat - like you would with an adult film - but I felt better when the guy who rang up my purchase exclaimed he had been looking for the same movie. What are the odds of that?

Anyway, the film itself can be considered offensive - especially due to the several graphic animal killings. The turtle …

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cockney0_1 - wrote on 2008-11-04 17:59

Frontiers is a pretty good one if you're into gore.  It's a subtitled French movie but after about thirty five minutes, it doesn't really matter what they're saying.Cannibal Ferox is worth a look also.  For complete nonsense that's hard to watch try Island of Death, but that's not really a gore film. 

Josh C
Josh C

Josh C - wrote on 2008-10-09 22:35

 Ichi the Killer is the only movie I actually fast forwarded through because of the gore. CannibalHolocaust was just a bad movie, I expected worse when it came to gore.


Nick - wrote on 2008-10-06 23:42

AuditionHannibalboth of which scarred images into my head.

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

Chris Kavan - wrote on 2008-10-06 15:22

Having just watched this epic cult film, I have to ask: What is the most disturbing, twisted film you have seen?I'm not talking about movies that just make it hard to watch (such as, say Schindler's List) - I'm going for total shock value.  Either good or bad, what movies made you squirm or make your stomach turn.  Cannibal Holocaust was pretty intense. Other films I have seen that I would rank high: Ichi the Killer, Ebola Syndrome, Audition, Visitor Q (I've pretty much figured …

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