Girl, Interrupted Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 1403

Average Rating: 2.9/4

# of Ratings: 306

Theatrical Release Date: 12/21/1999

Language: English

Genre: Drama, Biography

MPAA Rating: R

Director: James Mangold

Actors: Angelina Jolie, Clea DuVall, Brittany Murphy, Winona Ryder, Jared Leto, Whoopi Goldberg

Plot: Based on a true story about a young woman's time spent in a mental institute in the 1960's.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 09/20/2015

For being a drama about the examination of what people perceive as mental illness, I actually found this movie enjoyable. It's neither completely dour, or upbeat. It encompasses all the voluntary emotional investments of film. The wide range of personalities on display have a diverse effect and we get an awesome lineup of young actresses to portray them. A nice blend of melancholy and humor.

Rating of

Lauren - wrote on 05/16/2013

Angelina Jolie was amazing. I didn't know she could act as well as she did in this movie. I liked this movie very much. We watched it in Psychology class just after learning the Rosenhan's experiment. Very interesting ending. I thought it was humorous but not too funny. I would recommend it if you like action, suspense, anguish and confusion.

Rating of

Alaine - wrote on 12/20/2011

I know I'm supposed to rate this higher. I can't.

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

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"Girl, Interrupted" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 02/14/2013

Based on the autobiographical novel by Susanna Kaysen chronicling her time spent in a mental institution following a suicide attempt, Girl, Interrupted is not quite what you'd expect; namely "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest For Chicks". It's true that the story is dominated by Jolie's Oscar winning turn as the rebelliously anti-social yet charismatic Lisa, but the story is a lot more sympathetic towards the staff of the hospital and what they were trying to do. The cast of likeable weirdos make for an engaging bunch of misfits which makes up for the fact that it lacks any real kind of power or emotional resonance and it's nicely non-judgemental when it comes to the depiction of both the inmates and the staff who are genuinely trying to help them. Hardly the most challenging portrait of …

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

Rating of

Girl, Interrupted review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 07/26/2011

Based on a true story Susanna Kaysen’s (Winona Ryder) experience in a mental institution. She makes friends with Lisa Rowe (Oscar winning performance from Angelina Jolie) and Brittany Murphy’s characters. I personally felt Winona should have won an award in one of her best roles. She immersed herself in playing the role the best way she can. Such a shame no recognition was given (even in her previous roles in The Crucible, Bram Stoker's Dracula and Little Women). Though it had similarities with One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The cast was genuine, the direction of the film was good. If only the script/story was better. Despite the film basing it on real events, it could have been improved certain aspects as to waste the talents involved. …

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