Movie Information
Overall Rank: 1189
Average Rating: 2.9/4
# of Ratings: 177
Theatrical Release Date: 05/01/2015
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 10/02/2015
Language: English
Genre: Action, Fantasy
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Director: Joss Whedon
Actors: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, James Spader
Plot: The Avengers are obsolete - the US government has created the ultimate force, Ultron, to protect them. Yet when Ultron turns on his creators and threatens humanity itself, once again The Avengers assemble to face their greatest challenge yet. -- Chris Kavan
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
PaulThompson - wrote on 01/16/2020
It's just what I feared. Marvel has gotten so caught up in making sure that each character gets some action time that there's no room now for character development. They need to tone it down a bit.
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MarkMartin - wrote on 01/16/2020
Don't be brainwashed. This is just a remix of the first Avenger movie. Nothing new here except for the new heroes but plot-wise it's pretty much the same thing.
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RaymondMorris - wrote on 01/06/2020
Compared to the first Avengers, there's a lot of things that they improved on in this film. From the storytelling, to the much more defined fight choreography, it's definitely a step-up from the previous one.
Full Movie Reviews
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"Avengers: Age Of Ultron" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 05/28/2017
Tony Stark attempts to integrate an artificial intelligence of unknown origins into his defence network and unwittingly creates an artificial life form intent on the destruction of the human race. Age Of Ultron follows the rather hackneyed formula of "A.I. tasked with the defence of the human race decides the best course of action is to exterminate it" of The Terminator and, well, nearly every other si-fi story written since Isaac Asimov took up his pen. The result is Thor flying around smashing up robots, Hulk jumping around smashing up robots, Iron Man flying around shooting robots, Black Widow running around shooting robots and Hawkeye running around...well, you get the idea. It follows the blockbuster sequel formula of action / one liner / action / one liner ad infinitum to the …
Rating of
Some pacing issues, but good overall
Evan Wheatley - wrote on 10/21/2016
In 2012, comic book enthusiasts and the average moviegoer alike, witnessed Earth’s mightiest heroes fighting side by side on the big screen for the first time ever. This year’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron” however, did not have the same luxury granted to its predecessor. With the wow factor from the first installment gone, the sequel had to rely on a compelling story in addition to strong character development. Thankfully the Avengers delivered both, and kicked off the summer with a bang.
Based on the film’s marketing campaign, one might assume that the movie’s tone was going to be much darker than the first. The film tends to lean more on the humorous side however, with much of the comedic relief stemming from James Spader’s Ultron.
While Spader’s portrayal of …
Rating of
cinegeek.de - wrote on 03/08/2016
Der zweite Avengers ist grösser, lauter und unzusammenhängender als der erste. Der zweite Avengers ist aber auch individueller, denn er trägt die Handschrift des Regisseurs Joss Whedon. Bestimmt wird man diese Marvel Grosstreffen in Zukunft als Kunst bezeichnen oder zumindest als einmalig! Iron Man, Thor und Captain America treten an gegen einen galaktischen Bösewicht. Der ist hinter ein paar Juwelen her, durch die er auf die Erde gelangen konnte. Ein genauso wahnsinniger Milliardär dagegen braucht die Software, die in den Steinen steckt. Mit Hilfe der Software versucht er die Welt mit einem Superandroiden zu beschützen, doch der entpuppt sich als der Irrste von allen. Wir haben es also nicht mit einer Marvel Geschichte zu tun, in welcher der Held vorgestellt wird, wie er zu seinem …
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Recent Movie Talk Posts
Stuart '2-D' Pot - wrote on 2017-09-18 05:24
A solid sequel to The Avengers. I might even go the length as to say it might be better than Avengers
Zulmaran - wrote on 2015-04-15 03:01
Well, that movie should be the greatest superhero thing ever
Chris Kavan - wrote on 2015-03-08 01:16
The new trailer has me even more excited - plus,it looks like Spider-Man is going to join this franchise (who knows how that is going to play out). Now, if we could only get the X-men on board...
smeagol - wrote on 2014-11-01 05:20
They may have to change their plans when a few start failingthere's already talk of overload of the super hero movies.like all genres in the end people will be saying whats on at the cinema oh another super hero movie again ( one they' have  never heard of ) and pass on watching it.it happnes with everything as soon as something makes money suddenly everybody is saturating the market with the same product under a different guise. people get bored fast. some of those super heros ive never …
Chris Kavan - wrote on 2014-10-31 19:53
Becaue Marvel obviously couldn't be one-upped by DC and here is a great article about all the upcoming films:http://www.businessinside r.com/marvel-movie-announ cement-vs-dc-warner-bros- 2014-10Scroll to the bottom - 30 Superhero films are being released between now and 2020 - as it is now scheduled. The mind boggles - and obviously something is going to give.