Troll Hunter, The ( Trolljegeren ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 3708

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 80

Theatrical Release Date: 06/10/2011

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 08/23/2011

Language: Norwegian

Genre: Adventure, Drama

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: André Øvredal

Actors: Otto Jespersen, Hans Morten Hansen, Johanna Mørck, Glenn Erland Tosterud, Tomas Alf Larsen, Knut Nærum

Plot: The Troll Hunter is a 2010 Norwegian horror-thriller film, made in the form of a mockumentary about a group of students investigating a series of bear killings only to find a hunter who is after far more dangerous game: a troll.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 02/17/2015

A decent found-footage effort that sidesteps some annoyances of the genre, but falls into the same traps. The trolls are interesting creatures. They look convincing and have cool designs. They are the only highlight here. Problem is, what little time they do show up isn't as stimulating as I'd hoped. I didn't care for the human characters and the action was a bit lackluster.

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 01/05/2014

The trolls in the movie are pretty damn big would other people see the trolls walking down a hill or over the freaking city, the visual effect's are Okay looking I mean they are not the worst CGI that I seen I just think it looks a bit like a game when the move around and the final nick pick that I have is the movie reminds me of shadow of the colossus. the trolls in the movie are really scary and frightening at times.

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 04/02/2012

A movie with a lot of potential that just never quite gets to where I wanted it to be. The story was solid, the found-footage aspect worked and the trolls looked pretty amazing but it always feels like just when it's getting going, it steps back. Not really that much horror but it is different from every other found footage film out there.

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

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"Troll Hunter" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 03/06/2013

A trio of students from a local college follow a suspected poacher but when they discover he works for a state sanctioned troll management agency, he allows them to film him perform his secret work. Yet another faux "actual footage" pseudo documentary from the Blair Witch school, Troll Hunter at least has an inventive premise and a sense of humour about what it's doing. It's all very tongue in cheek and the cast are actually quite believable and naturalistic in their roles; Otto Jesperson's jaded hunter is good fun, playing his part like a dejected Crocodile Dundee fed up of his thankless task. But thanks to the format, all we really get is more wobbly cam footage of people running around in the woods and hiding in caves just like Blair With itself; in fact thanks to some spectacular …

Harley Lond
Harley Lond
Rising Star

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The Troll Hunter

Harley Lond - wrote on 02/20/2012

This cult pseudo-documentary -- using the "found video" conceit -- follows three Norwegian film students as they inadvertently uncover a government conspiracy to cover-up the existence of real-life trolls. While shooting a project in the mountains, they meet up with a man whom they suspect to be a poacher but in reality is a trollhunter, a hunter working for the government whose sole task it is to keep trolls away from humans. The students join the trollhunter on his latest rounds, leading them straight into the path of the menacing monsters and documenting every last second of the man's heroics. Can we ever get enough of found video horror films? I think not, especially when they're so much fun and well put together as this one. Yes, there are the requisite nighttime shots (plenty of …

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