Movie Information
Overall Rank: 1039
Average Rating: 2.9/4
# of Ratings: 318
Theatrical Release Date: 05/13/2011
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 09/20/2011
Language: English
Genre: Comedy
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Paul Feig
Actors: Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Maya Rudolph, Ellie Kemper, Rose Byrne, Wendi McLendon-Covey
Plot: Two women fight for the right to plan their friend's wedding party. -- Chris Kavan
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 07/25/2019
Outrageously funny, "Bridesmaids" shows that gross-ot gags and R-rated dialogue don't see gender.
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Matthew Brady - wrote on 08/01/2014
Two women fight for the right to plan their friend's wedding party... sounds like bride wars. This movie has it's funny parts but I don't think it's the best comedy yet.
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Mike - wrote on 12/26/2013
Kristen Wiig has put herself on the map with this one, along with Melissa McCarthy and Rose Byrne. Braidesmaids is not just a chick-flick. It is a well-written comedy that will go down in history as a memorable film. It's great to see some women get a chance to break out and show what they can do. Hollywood mostly tries to strap female actors down, but the really good ones (like Melissa Tomei and Sandra Bullock) eventually find a way to make their mark. Very enjoyable performances by all the ladies in this one.
Full Movie Reviews
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cinegeek.de - wrote on 04/23/2016
Ich arbeite in einer Videothek die gleichermassen Bar ist und am Wochenende zum Club mutiert. Sonntagmorgens kann man dann manchmal Frauen auflesen, die besoffen sind oder sich dreckige Witze erzählen. Sie würden gut in diese Judd Apatow Buddy Komödie passen, die (anders als fast alle ihre Vorbilder) mit Frauen besetzt ist. Bestimmt mochte ich Bridesmaids ihnen zu Ehren! Kristen Wiig und Annie Mumolo schrieben das Drehbuch, das Paul Feig verfilmte. Im Mittelpunkt eine Gruppe von Frauen, die genauso unerzogen sind wie die Männer in solchen Komödien. Wiig spielt Annie, deren Muffin Bäckerei in Milwaukee gerade Pleite ging. Sie lebt in einer WG mit einem höchst skurrilen britischen Geschwisterpaar. Nun heiratet ihre beste Freundin Lillian (Maya Rudolph). Normalerweise würde ihr der …
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Hangover for Women!
MovieAddict - wrote on 05/06/2012
Bridesmaids follow Annie Walker (Kristen Wiig), the maid of honor for her best friend Lillian's (Maya Rudolph) wedding. While she is preparing for the big day though, her personal and professional life is already in shambles as Anne loses her job, is treated like dirt by her love interest (Jon Hamm), gets kicked out of her own apartment (by her Australian roommates) and is forced to live with her mother (the late Jill Clayburg).
Her situation is not helped by the presence of Helen (Rose Byrne), who is beautiful, rich, saccharine sweet and a colossal, perfectly pedicured thorn in Annie's side trying to become Lillian's new BFF.
It's refreshing to see female actresses delivering raunchy, funny lines that aren't just about their respective sexual partners. The movie nicely portrays the …
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A drama than a comedy
Rod - wrote on 10/11/2011
When a bride's best friend meet the other friends, the party won't stop, and so the competition. Annie (Kristen Wiig) is a maid of honor of her best friend Lillian (Maya Rudolph). She has this immediate conflict with the bride's other friend Helen (Rose Byrne) as she tried to be in charge of Lillian's wedding. With the kind of life she has, alongside with this encounter on her best friend's wedding, Annie will show how far someone should go for her loved ones.
"Bridesmaids" isn't a comedy that will make you laugh out loud, it is also a bit boring actually. But, I think it is safe to say that, THOUGH IT IS PLAIN AND FLAT, THERE IS SOMETHING BIG IN IT. The story is good. I like hearing the lines. The actresses did well, ALL OF THEM. This film will surely touch your heart while you …
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Recent Movie Talk Posts
Unknown - wrote on 2011-07-07 15:47
I'm surprised that I'm one of only two people that have reviewed this movie.  I highly recommend it to everyone.  Best new movie I've seen so far this year!
Chris Kavan - wrote on 2011-07-04 15:24
The fact this is now Judd Apatow's largest-grossing movie bodes well. I think I'll enjoy it.
The Eye - wrote on 2011-06-13 12:45
I'd say that Bridesmaids' intended audience was pretty much the same audience as the Hangover movies plus more -- including women in the fun and games that has long been mostly associated with men.And maybe people -- especially men -- are just learning that the idea that "girls just want to have fun," (sometimes) isn't just the theme of a Cyndi Lauper song.People -- men & women -- can be pretty similar to each other in a number of ways with just enough …
Chris Kavan - wrote on 2011-06-13 11:40
After doing the weekend box office reports it's amazing how well this film is holding up - most films drop 40% - 50% after their opening, but Bridesmaids has consistently held on to its audience each week.I have to admit, I'm impressed and will make time to watch this when it becomes available, even if I don't think I'm the target audience.
The Eye - wrote on 2011-06-07 22:22
I have 4 daughters, one of whom got married in a big fat Scottish wedding May a year ago, so the bridesmaids theme really resonated with me. So we eagerly went to see Bridesmaids and loved it, of course!It was funny as all get out much of the time with some sweet, sad, serious and touching moments scattered here and there. A wonderful fun movie. !:]]