Movie Information
Overall Rank: 29551
Average Rating: 1.8/4
# of Ratings: 22
Theatrical Release Date: 10/24/2009
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 02/16/2010
Language: English
Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Ti West
Actors: Rider Strong, Noah Segan, Alexander Isaiah Thomas, Giuseppe Andrews, Alexi Wasser, Regan Deal
Plot: A high school prom faces a deadly threat: a flesh-eating virus that spreads via a popular brand of bottled water.
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Matthew Brady - wrote on 02/09/2014
A high school prom faces a deadly threat: a flesh-eating virus that spreads via a popular brand of bottled water. This movie was stupid and a mindless gory film.
Rating of
dukeakasmudge - wrote on 09/04/2011
Alright movie but definitely not as good as the 1st
Rating of
Chris Kavan - wrote on 03/31/2011
Eli Roth gave the original Cabin Fever a certain edge, while this second outing forgoes any pretenses and goes straight for pure gore and gross-out scenes. While it's not a complete loss, it devolves into a parody of itself, though the end suggests we could be in for more - just like The Stand, disease finds a way to spread all too easily.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
First one was better!!
Lee - wrote on 10/01/2012
Not as good as the original mainly due to director Eli Roth opting out of this one. This one still kicks ass in the gross out dept! Well you remember the nasty tainted water that made everyone sick in Cabin Fever 1? Well it has now made it's way to a local high school just in time for prom night, you think Carrie had a weird time during her prom in the 70's thriller just wait till you see what happens during this one! Yep the sequel is upon us with loads more of the blood vomiting infected. I have to say that some parts of the movie were so bad (intentional? Who knows?) that they were insanely hilarious. Guiseppe Andrews is the only original cast member who returns once again for this instalment, as the major partying sheriff's deputy Winston, Andrews is actually a major highlight in …
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