Movie Information
Overall Rank: 5892
Average Rating: 2.6/4
# of Ratings: 57
Theatrical Release Date: 06/19/2009
Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 10/27/2009
Language: English
Genre: Comedy, Romance
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Director: Woody Allen
Actors: Evan Rachel Wood, Henry Cavill, Patricia Clarkson, Kristen Johnston, Larry David, Michael McKean
Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/26/2019
A likable movie with an unlikable main character, "Whatever Works" revamps Woody Allen's classic cynical honesty.
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dukeakasmudge - wrote on 09/07/2011
Im a big fan of Larry David so I REALLY expected to like this movie but it stunk.I guess I shouldve expected that after it was directed by Woody Allen
Rating of
Bluesoul - wrote on 10/10/2009
Wasn't impressed at all by this. While it had its moments and some great casting, it was a downhill from the best Woody stuff. Mildly entertaining, but that's it. Hollywood as such really isn't doing it for me in recent times.
Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
Akzeptanz - wrote on 05/10/2016
Woody Allens Komödie eröffnet mit dem Song "Hello, I Must Be Going", der in fünf Worten die Welt seines Helden Boris Yellnikoff zusammenfasst. Yellnikoff, vortrefflich gespielt von Larry David, ist ein Physiker, der ein Mal beinahe für den Nobelpreis nominiert worden wäre. Jetzt ist er geschieden von einer Frau, die so perfekt zu ihm passte, dass es ihm unerträglich war. Yellnikoff, ein Forscher im Ruhestand, der Schachunterricht für Gleichgesinnte erteilt. Täglich sitzt er mit seinen alten Kollegen zusammen in einer Kaffee Bar und doziert vor ihnen. Wohlbemerkt, das sind keine Unterhaltungen, sondern Vorträge. Alles entspringt aus seiner paradoxen Überzeugung, dass die Welt so faszinierend ist, dass es ihm unerträglich erscheint. Yellnikoff eröffnet mit einem Monolog, bevor …
Rating of
Whatever Works
Allison - wrote on 07/06/2009
There's something about being one of six sparsely laughing people in a theater to watch a Woody Allen film. It's like having a favorite diner, wondering how in the world they can stay in business, but enjoying it while it lasts.
There's nothing more worn out and tired like a "new" Woody Allen film, but hey, whatever works, right? We have the same characters, but new actors. This film is about the same as Scoop quality-wise (but hey, I was one of the only people who liked that movie). Evan Rachel Wood is one of my favorite actresses, but let me level with you. She is atrocious with her accent, with everything about her. There, I said it. Everyone else is pretty good, even Larry David, who is just a pale imitation of Woody Allen here. And I'll be honest, I would prefer the real thing. …
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